View Full Version : Bare bottom tank discus seeing reflection?

Thu Sep 25, 2008, 12:44 PM
I have set up 2x 2 foot tanks and i have had my pair in there a while and everytime i turn the light on they will either sit in the corner looking sad or swim with there face to the bottom of the tank and skim along the bottom but once the light goes out they are active swimming around fine on the bottom of the tank just got a white foam base.Anything i can do to be able to have the light on to still look at them still?i dont have a thing to adjust the brightness of the light.....also sometimes when the light is out they will sometimes do it :?

Fri Sep 26, 2008, 08:17 AM
hi i find my pair breeding tanks i paint a light sky blue on all exterior surfaces including the bottom and then i have a normal low energy house room light in the room 24/7 no other lighting and they breed and can see fry and food without bein flooded with light keep the traffic low but dont ignore them or they do get shy have a couple of familiar faces say hi to em each day and they should charge at the glass in front for food
best of luck :D

Fri Sep 26, 2008, 08:21 AM
if you do paint use a non toxic paint paint it well on exterior only lmao and light colors are amust as the adults and fry will attach better due to fry lookin for dark colors for first week hopefully the parents .ie have light background paint light light blue works well for me

cheers. :D

Fri Sep 26, 2008, 12:29 PM
thanks mate i already got the tank set up so i might just leave it for the time beening i have 2x2 foot tanks side byside and both i havent painted either,today after i added a small piece of driftwood with a plant on it they seems to be a bit happy so maybe they just wanted something more than just the sponge filter :?

Mon Sep 29, 2008, 09:54 AM
i actually run a small 2217 eheim exept when my fish are breeding i pull it out and use only cycled sponge filters keeps water spot on between batches of babies(dont use cannister while babies or spawning is happening)i put my cannister onto another tank for a few weeks to keep it cycled,if it is off for more than 12hrs u can lose the bio side of filter