View Full Version : The unlikely pair! (with pics)

Tue Sep 23, 2008, 12:23 PM
So remember my girl who wasn't eating? She has now laid eggs 4 times! :shock: I moved them to their own tank about 3 weeks ago (bought a 29 gallon for $29!) and they seem quite happy. In fact, the male likes to tap the thermometer on the glass when he wants to be fed. :roll:

Anyway, they are very good parents. They try SO hard, consistently fanning their eggs and taking turns doing so...but it always turns out the same. One starts to turn white, then several and then they eat them.

Any ideas what is going on?

BTW, I still don't see the female eat. I think she does it when I'm not around.. :?:

Here's the unlikely pair. (BTW, I gave them their own tank because they were ruthless to everyone else in the other tank).




Tue Sep 23, 2008, 12:46 PM
This might be a long shot, but have you actually watched those two spawn?

I think you said the pigeon blood (the red fish) was the one laying eggs, but the blue turquoise looks very much like a female to me.

Is it possible both of them were laying eggs? It's actually not quite as rare as you think

Next time you see them spawn, try to observe the breeding tubes carefully. The tube of the female should appear thick and blunt, like a "U" whilst the male's breeding tube is more pointed, like a "V".

Hard to describe, but it's quite obvious if you see them together.

Hopefully you've actually got a female and a young male who is not yet mature. Only time will tell.


Tue Sep 23, 2008, 01:11 PM
Did I mention I was new to this? lol! I just assumed they were a pair since they are constantly together and when they were in the community tank they both chased everyone away. If they are both females, do they just prefer each others' company? (sorry, can't help but snicker from this one) One thing is for sure that since I've isolated them both, my community tank is much more peaceful, and these two seem to enjoy each others' company. ;)

If they are both females, will they both take turns fanning the same set of eggs? BTW, I tried looking at the breeding tubes, but I honestly have no idea what I'm looking at.

The pigeon blood seems to be the more shy of the two, and she/he used to be my most outgoing discus. Now, when I feed she acts interested, but then snubs her nose up and away, as if not happy with the various foods I give, while the red-turk goobles any and everything I offer.

Strange duo, huh?

Tue Sep 23, 2008, 01:35 PM
In the absence of a mature male, females will often lay eggs together, so yeah, it's not that unusual.

Then again, maybe they just prefer female company :ug

Have a look at this thread -


One of our members was kind enough to submit some pretty good pics of breeding tubes.