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View Full Version : Cyclin g Marine QT

Wed Sep 17, 2008, 11:49 AM
Hubby is setting up a little QT he intends keeping in operation permanently. I cannot convince him to go bare bottom - he wants a light sprinkling of coral sand on the bottom.

We have cycled his reef tank (long ago) and used live rock as the source of ammonia. I've also cycled many FW tanks in the past. This is first time cycling a saltwater fish only tank.

What should be use as the source of ammonia? BTW, pure ammonia is not available in Australia. We only have cloudy, which has detergent added to it.

Should he:-

* use live rock & remove it once cycled
* cycle with hardy freshwater fish, & only change the water over to SW conditions on the removal of the cycling fish.

Look forward to receiving any advice.

cheers, Robyn

Thu Sep 18, 2008, 10:20 PM
mate honestly use the rock and keep in the tank!

I also use a good size sump with a deep sand bed & refugiam.

how big is the tank, what are you planing on keeping and how often do you plan on doing water changes to maintain the water specs if your wanting a Bare bottom reef tank? way too much work in my opinion.

Thu Sep 18, 2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks Nicholas

This is only a small bare bottom QT. The main reef tank has already been up & running for a few years. Once cycled, we intend to keep it cycled with 1 or 2 small marine fish, but it's main purpose will be to have somewhere to QT new stock, or treat sick fish without having to do so in the main tank. IMO, bare bottom is best for a QT tank, but I think hubby may prefer a little sand.

I think we are going to use live rock & it will stay there, at least until we have to medicate with something that would kill the live rock (hopefully we never have to do that).

Thanks, Robyn

Fri Sep 19, 2008, 04:20 AM
QT is always a smart idea for marines! especially if that nasty white spot appears.

show us some pics!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tue Sep 23, 2008, 09:58 AM
Umm No disrespect to Nick , but i would not put live rock into a QT, sand and coral sand is ok , but if you dose copper into your QT tank with live rock it will turn nasty , please note that if you does copper, as what is the best meathod to treat fish with.

cheers Andrew