View Full Version : Potted Amazon Swords
Tue Jan 04, 2005, 12:35 PM
Hi guys.
I want to have a background wall of amazon swords potted. What is the minimin width of a retangular pot would you use ? Also what sort of substrate would your recommend.
Maybe dumb question, but do you want the holes in the bottom that usually come with pots ?
As I am guessing substrate would slip through which might be annoying for a bare bottom tank.
Also can you recommend any other background plants or u reckon amazons would have the best effect ? Front and middle of the tank is drift wood with anubia and java moss.
Wed Jan 05, 2005, 04:05 AM
Amazon swords get pretty big and have extensive root systems. I've had one sword that had leaves 18" long in a 55gal. You may need to position them away from the back of the tank a bit as they do fan out a lot as they get bigger.
As far as pot sizes go, the bigger the better. I've used square glass pots that were about 5" cubed. I don't think you need holes in the bottom. Try to get pots with smooth bases as uneven edges or traped gravel can put uneven pressure on the tank base.
For substrate a nice cheap option is to use a layer of vermiculite covered in about 2" of gravel. Vermiculite traps nutrients in the water and helps prevent the gravel/soil from compacting too much. It comes in bags from Bunnings at about $8 for 9ltrs. Wash the vermiculite thoughly and try to use the bigger chucks as they are less likely to get stirred up in the tank.
I mix the vermiculite with loam (a sandy soil that is not as rich as potting mix etc) and then cover it will gravel. Don't try this unless you're sure your fish are free of gill flukes and worms.
A word of warning, you won't be able to use meds in a tank with vermiculite as it will suck them up like carbon does.
As far as plants go, amazon swords work really well with discus. If you have success with common amazon swords you could look at other varities of swords, raticans, melons etc.
Wed Jan 05, 2005, 04:57 AM
Thanks trebs, I have only kept some crypts and anubia before so your advice was invaluable.
I am really looking for a background plant, and do not want the plant to take up too much space, perhaps vallisneria is a better choice.
Wed Jan 05, 2005, 05:27 AM
Swords will definately take up space...
Maybe val, corkscrew val or luwidgia if you're after something with a bit of red/orange in it.
Wed Jan 05, 2005, 09:14 AM
Background plant that does well in discus water
... Blyxa.
Cyptocorne balansae
Wed Jan 05, 2005, 10:09 AM
Thanks Kev
Blyxa aubertii ? How readly available is it ? Looks great.
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