View Full Version : plant suggestions
Tue Sep 09, 2008, 10:24 PM
hey guys, just starting my 4 foot discus tank up and need some plant suggestions. Already have some anubias and java fern attached to driftwood in the tank and thinking of getting some amazon swords. I need plants that don't require too much attention and also won't be eaten too much by my fish. Other fish to be included in the tank willl be tetras (congo, serpea, rummy nose, cardinal and black phantom), BN catfish and cory's. Currently running an Elhiem canister filer, with heater set to 26 celius.
Hope that is all the info i need, I'm looking for a well planted tank so my tetras can seek shelter in the plants.
Wed Sep 10, 2008, 12:04 PM
Welcome to the forum Jared.
Your temp is a bit low for discus. They love their warm water, so you'll need to increase the temperature to at least 28 to keep them happy.
Amazon swords always look good in a discus tank, and come in a variety sizes and shapes, from the giant broadleaf to pygmy chain swords which look great as a foreground plant.
Red or green tiger lotus also thrives at those temps, and of course there are numerous stem plants which will grow towards the light and provide a hiding place for your tetras near the top of the tank.
I've had good success with pogo, ludwigia and wisteria (which will go nuts). I know there are lots of others, but I find those plants grow easily, and don't need C02, just a bit of liquid fertilizer and some fertilizer tablets for the amazon swords which are heavy root feeders.
I'm sure some of our plant gurus will be able to suggest a few more.
Wed Sep 10, 2008, 12:58 PM
thanks, one of my mates put me onto it and iv been reading and reading and reading and some of it is sinking in.
yeh i was going to raise my temp, might start doing it gradually now so my cory gets used to it. Cool, well ill head to my LFS tomorrow and prob source some swordsa and tiger lotus which coincidently i was looking at today for a bit of contrast in the tank.
thanks ill wait for more input but hopfully off to a start
Thu Sep 11, 2008, 07:43 AM
I have 5 different types of crypts and they all do well at 30 but I have to say that the star grass is my favourite. I read it was a harder plant to keep but have already split the bunch up and it has been in my tank only a month. I use dino dung as substrate fert and dino pee and spit to add to the water and my plants are going great. No co2
Sat Sep 20, 2008, 02:13 PM
ok so a few weeks ago i purchased some plants, so far iv got some purple pogo, 2 different types of crypts, amazon sword (soon to be swords), some java moss and some other plants i can't remember at the moment. WIll post pics when i can learn how to get them so good as they look crap at the moment.
How long does it take for java moss to take off, i have it attached to a few logs just by using the natural contours of the log as i didnt have any cotton wool lying around when i bought it, but just want to know how long to expect it to look like its going to cover the log.
Sat Sep 20, 2008, 02:14 PM
ok so a few weeks ago i purchased some plants, so far iv got some purple pogo, 2 different types of crypts, amazon sword (soon to be swords), some java mossm some anubias which i had from my previous setup and some other plants i can't remember at the moment. WIll post pics when i can learn how to get them so good as they look crap at the moment.
How long does it take for java moss to take off, i have it attached to a few logs just by using the natural contours of the log as i didnt have any cotton wool lying around when i bought it, but just want to know how long to expect it to look like its going to cover the log.
Sat Sep 20, 2008, 09:54 PM
Did you put dome ferts in your substrate? Are you adding ferts to your tank? They really do need to be fertilized to get them looking their best and they will grow so well you will be able to cut them back or split them and then re plant and not have to spend too much more on buying plants. Java moss will grow very fast if the conditions are right.
Sat Sep 20, 2008, 09:56 PM
Did you put SOME :oops: ferts
Sun Sep 21, 2008, 01:06 AM
I really love the ambulia.
Sun Sep 21, 2008, 02:03 PM
yes i put some ferts in the substrate for the plants, the crypts seem to be taking well to it and growing at a great speed, also using some liquid ferts to help the java moss, jave fern an anubias get their required sources through their leaves, will post pics when im home before 11pm onenight, maybe tues or wed.
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