View Full Version : Quarantine tank etiquette ???

Tue Sep 09, 2008, 09:36 AM
I am currently holding 2 small discus in my QT tank (but will probably keep them in there until they grow out a bit)

I am looking at continuing to increase my stock and have found some really lovely adult fish..

I know that if i put any new fish in then the current fish are back in QT from scratch.

my question is... can you QT adults with juvies (4-5 cm) or do they need to be separate.. (i am running out of tanks and husband's patience !!!!)

also, why can't i ever find half grown fishies.. they are always either very small or very large.. never anything in the middle (why do i feel like goldilocks :roll: :roll: )

thanks in advance :)

Tue Sep 09, 2008, 10:19 AM
Hi Sharon Oakleigh aquarium has all sizes in discus.

Tue Sep 09, 2008, 01:01 PM
my question is... can you QT adults with juvies (4-5 cm) or do they need to be separate.. (i am running out of tanks and husband's patience !!!!)

Short answer is "yes" ...... but ..........

It's much better to keep fish of the same size together. The smaller ones always seem to have a slow growth rate if they're in a tank with larger fish. The asian breeders think it's so important, they go through their tanks every week to 'sort' the fish into like sizes.

The quarantine tank would be fine for the 4 weeks of quarantine, because you could keep a careful eye on them, but once four weeks is over, I'd suggest you move the larger fish into the community tank with Finn and leave the youngsters in the smaller tank to grow out for at least another few months.

Tue Sep 09, 2008, 08:44 PM
thanks Merrilyn, that is the answer I was hoping for.. 4 weeks it is with a close eye on the littlies..

yeah of to the shop to pick them out.. :D :D

I have convinced the hubby that buying adults it is just like filling up his boat for a day out shark fishing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: he had trouble arguing with that one........

it is a plan.. 2 biggies as new friends for Finn, then get some more littilies to grow out together before joining my display tank..

best of both worlds :wink: :wink: