Sun Sep 07, 2008, 02:37 PM
Hi I have just noticed one of discus in the community tank with an enlarged eye. I am getting the HT ready, can anyone tell me how should I treat this please?
The eye is not cloudy it is protruding out much more then the other.
as always thanks for any help and suggestions
Mon Sep 08, 2008, 05:47 AM
It's called Pop eye Disease, and has several causes.
It could be caused by an accident, bacterial or lack of water quality.
Water quality is not usually a problem in discus tanks, because we do so many water changes, so it's either an accidental injury or bacterial. The swelling is caused by a build up of fluid behind the eye, so the first treatment is to use epsom salts in the water to help reduce the swelling.
Move the fish to a hospital tank, and add 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts per 40 litres. After 24 hours, remove 50% of the water and add another tablespoon per 40 litres. If the swelling has gone down, then no further treatment is necessary. Before returning the fish to the main tank, do several big water changes and a thorough gravel vac.
If the swelling is still present after treatment with epsom salts, then you will need to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Tetracycline is available from your local fish shop, and should be effective.
Only use tetracycline in a hospital tank, as it will wipe out your bio filtration. Follow directions on the bottle carefully, and aerate the tank well during treatment.
Mon Sep 08, 2008, 07:20 AM
great thanks Merrilyn, have treated my betta's in a similar fashion so hopefully things will go well.
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