View Full Version : smoky poo?

Wed Sep 03, 2008, 04:40 PM
one of my discus is pooish out a white clearish jelly looking like piece of poo that has small brown bits within it?

is it sick? how do i treat it?

Thu Sep 04, 2008, 06:35 AM
Well the brown bits are normal droppings, but the white jelly like substance is the mucus lining being shed from the stomach and intestine.

This is usually due to an irritation. First thing I would do is to treat with levamisole to remove any intestinal worms that may be irritating the gut.

If the white substance persists, then treatment with metro is called for.

You'll find full information on treating with levamisole and metro in the stickies in this forum.

Keep us posted on how he is going.

Thu Sep 04, 2008, 12:27 PM
cool, thanks for the info merrilyn.

havent seen any smoky poo tonight. could it be just from the stress from moving as hes a new addition to my tank?

i cant find levamisole at the LFS, do u know wat brand stock them?