Tue Sep 02, 2008, 12:18 PM
Hi Everyone, :wave
Just wondering with babies (about 3cm and 5cm) what time span is usual for their colour potential to show up. I understand they develop as they grow but is there a "cut off" time where they will not go any further..
Sorry if this is a strange question but I was just wondering what I can hopefully expect from my new babies. One BT and one chocolate (copper) (sellers name but I just dont know) sorry no pics yet as I cannot get them to the front of the tank for long enough.. (but I am a patient person)
thanks Sharon :wink:
Just wondering with babies (about 3cm and 5cm) what time span is usual for their colour potential to show up. I understand they develop as they grow but is there a "cut off" time where they will not go any further..
Sorry if this is a strange question but I was just wondering what I can hopefully expect from my new babies. One BT and one chocolate (copper) (sellers name but I just dont know) sorry no pics yet as I cannot get them to the front of the tank for long enough.. (but I am a patient person)
thanks Sharon :wink: