View Full Version : Rainbows as tankmates????
Sun Aug 31, 2008, 10:54 AM
I have 5 discus, 15 rummynose tetras, 5 otto cast, 2 bristle nose plecos, 10 coys cats, three red serpae tetras, 2 bleeding heart tetras, 3 black skirt tetras in a 46 gallon bowfront that is 3 feet wide.
I was thinking of removing all the tetras but the rummynose and getting some rainbowfish. Does anyone have experience with them in a discus tank and with rummynose tetras? Before I change I want to get a feel for success or failure.
Big Daddy1
Mon Sep 01, 2008, 01:09 AM
Rainbow fish are zippy eaters. I wouldn't keep them with discus unless you had a large tank.
As it is, I assume you plan on moving the discus into a larger tank because you're really overstocked.
I hope that helps with your consideration.
Mon Sep 01, 2008, 01:34 AM
I do hand feed the discus twice a day so they never go without. They get a mix of blood worms, misis shrimp, beef heart, flakes, and cichlid pellets.
I am planning on keeping the discus, rummy nose, otto cats and corys in the tank. I am working on the rest of the inhabitants. all of the above are very small. I know I overstock but I do regular maintenance and have never had an imbalance in the tank. Knock wood......
Other than the Rainbowfish being zippy eaters would you mix them with discus?
Mon Sep 01, 2008, 06:45 AM
i use to have rainbows with discus, they are very fast and very greedy when it comes to food but they aren't too fond of hand-feeding so as long as you hand feed your discus then it should be O.K. Some people think that rainbows nip discus' fins but IMO they are peaceful.
Mon Sep 01, 2008, 04:11 PM
thanks once I remove some of my other inhabitants I may try a few rainbow. What water column do they prefer; top,middle or bottom.
Wed Sep 03, 2008, 05:54 AM
they swim too fast
they eat too fast
they need a mostly vegitarian diet
they express their colors best at lower temps (i run my rainbow tank at 24-26 to get their coloring right)
Wed Sep 03, 2008, 07:59 AM
I had 4 boesemani rainbows in the tank, before I bought my first discus. I loved the boesemani, but I soon realised they had to go. They were too boisterous to have in the same tank as discus.
Wed Sep 03, 2008, 11:19 AM
thanks everyone. I have decided to not mix rainbow with my discus because of your input. I pulled out an old 30 gallon tank I will set up for some rainbows. My husband has taken a liking to them and since he indulges my three tanks it's the least I can do.
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