View Full Version : Hot topics on Discus Hybrids !

Sat Aug 30, 2008, 08:57 AM

On the club forum im a member of there is a debate about Discus strains and how they should be frowned upon.

As im new to discus i have no arguement although i love all my fancy strains and would like to hear opinions from expeirenced hobbyist`s like yourselves.


Any opinions on this matter would be great.


mistakes r crucial
Sun Aug 31, 2008, 07:16 PM
This subject has been done to death over many years. There are for's and against on both sides of the fence and any amount of debate is not going to change the opinion of either side. I think it boils down to each to their own, you have in your tank whatever you want in your tank. If good old Den in Perth wants to keep the integrity of the gene pool throw him a couple of Heckels and let's see him breed them, I'm sure he'll get plenty of buyers.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 04:30 AM
Touché :D

For me, i like both. Ive never kept wilds but i see that as a great oportunity to one day move into that area. For now, i bought into captive bred genes and am happy for their own qualities. I will probably be right into Discus for the rest of my life so im starting somewhere. Getting experience and learning about where strains come from will only build my interest so im not one to shun my nose at domestic breeds.

...But wilds are somethin else! They are beautiful and i look forward to building my experiences with them on day. Just my 2 cents on a debate that started well before my intro in discus.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 09:30 AM
Thanks Guys!

Glad to hear some voices of reason :D


mistakes r crucial
Mon Sep 01, 2008, 10:00 AM
Nothing offensive meant toward anyone Craig, it's just a very old debate, maybe a little bit similar to White Crane. We've all made our decisions and many of us long ago but the debate still appears on a regular basis.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 12:21 PM
I think people should start with tank breds of standard wild derived strains.Then when they have the experience move to wild strains then to wild caught fish. I have a major problem with any type of Albino Spotted Erupting Anaconda style fish. The breeders who develop such fish should be quite simply ...executed ...preferably in Squids Murry Cod tank ;-)

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 12:41 PM
I personally keep wild caught fish, but over the years I've kept and bred just about all the colours available.

My personal opinion is that they're not hybrids, simply line breeding for colours. Have a look at the colour of the wild royal blues for instance. Does that look to you like a distant relative of the blue and red turquoise ???

How about the wild Red Alenquer. A few generations of line breeding the most deeply coloured fish, and you can see where the lines of red fish came from.

Even albinos. Don't albinos show up infrequently in just about every species, including humans ? I remember as a kid having an albino budgie, and in later years, I had an albino horse, completely white with bright blues eyes and pink skin. Is that classed as a hybrid ????

If they want to class domestic discus as hybrids, then how about guppies. Look at the array of colours there, and what about goldfish. Now there's a whole new argument !

It's a topic I'll leave to the "experts" to debate.


Wed Sep 03, 2008, 11:11 PM
Thanks for everyones input.
