View Full Version : Growing Out Discus
Fri Aug 29, 2008, 01:28 AM
I've been keeping guppies for some time. Now, I want to try my hand at Discus. I want to start with around 6 quarter-sized fish and grow them to around 4-5". What is the minimum size tank I will need? How long will it take for them to grow to that size? What is the best breed/color to begin with? Any help or comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sam
Big Daddy1
Sat Aug 30, 2008, 12:56 AM
Hmm, I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to buy a good book and read. Watley has written a couple good ones among others.
Guppies to discus is huge!
4-5? Do you intend on getting rid of them within 12 months? They can get to 8".
My opinion would be 90g, it's open to debate.
Make sure you find a good breeder of discus and not an lfs or Utah, Discus Maddness.. these are discus breeders. If you want some discus from down under, check out the site sponsors.
Breeds, na. Find the ones that are attractive to you if you're buying online. Health is normally a good gaurantee from breeders, forget the retailers if you want discus. I continued to get burned by retailers.
But, this is my experience only. I'd find a good discus book. I wish I could recommend one to you.
Sat Aug 30, 2008, 01:55 AM
good advice given!
And very importantly - make sure you tank is well cycled before you bring discus home. Discus love their water conditions to be perfect.
Doesn't matter too much on colour or breed.(except wilds, just don't mix wilds with domestic breeds)
Just make sure you read heaps before you bring the discus home
Some good books -
Andrew Soh - Discus the naked truth
Trophy Discus - this gives you good advice on selecting your discus.
Thu Sep 18, 2008, 09:11 AM
Nothing personal, but I have read the book "discus..naked truth" and truthfully speaking, its neither a book for the beginner nor for the intermediate, all the topics have just been touched and surfed through, nothing is there in-depth. There are far better books on Discus in the market, you can try Trophy Discus ofcourse, thats not a bad book.
Thu Sep 18, 2008, 11:39 AM
Hi Sam, welcome to the forum.
Guppies to discus is a bit of a leap, but if you've got a good grounding in tank management, there's no reason why you shouldn't be successful.
Small fish are really hard to raise. They're very demanding with the water and food requirements. I'd suggest you get yourself some 3 inch fish. At that size they're much hardier and you'll find them easier to raise to adult size.
Discus need around 10 gallons (40 litres) per fish, and water changes at least once or twice a week.
I think most people start with turquoise, but there's no reason why you shouldn't get any colour of fish that appeals to you, or even several colours if you choose.
Have a good read through this forum. Lots of valuable information to be found here, and if you've got any questions, then just yell :P
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