View Full Version : Discus not eating? Something she ate?

Sat Aug 23, 2008, 09:09 PM
I've been keeping cichlids for 2 yrs. now, but I'm new to keeping discus.

My once ravenous eater has not eaten at all today. I know it's only a day, but I like to catch things as early as possible, and I know he/she isn't acting quite herself today.

The only thing I can think of is that last night I fed them frozen beefheart. I do it the night before a waterchange so that I can clear out any leftovers, which means about twice a week. I gave it to them earlier in the week, and she acted funny for about a day, kinda skiddish, reclusive. I didn't know what to think, but she snapped out of it. Last night they had beefheart once again and now she's acting strange once more. This time she's not eating any brine flake I put in the tank.

Did she overstuff herself? The other (what I am to be assuming is male) keeps the other (what I am assuming to be another male) far away from her. Those two seem to be pairing up possibly? I guess that's another issue, but I'm just concerned about the one's behavior right now.

Any ideas?

I use RO water and change 50% twice weekly. pH is 6.5, temp 84 degrees F. GH=30 KH=0 NO3= <10 NO2=0

I treated with PraziPro 1 week ago as a precaution. Everyone was fine. The behavior only started after eating beefheart. This is normally my friendly, most outgoing, hand-feeder. Now (she) is not eating, but swimming normally, just a little more lethargic.

Sun Aug 24, 2008, 12:27 AM
Hi Flgirl welcom to the forum!
Beefheart should should be the staple diet for your discus so you should increase the number of times you feed bh to your discus, flakes aren't enough to keep them satisfied.
the treatment of Prazi usually puts them off their food, but that was a week ago. Did you do a 2nd treatment of Prazi to kill the eggs off?
What is the ammonia reading (NH4)? you din't give it below.
Is her poop white or stringy at all?
Keep an eye on her and give us a report back.
How many fish do you have in the tank, how big is the tank ?? and yes it sounds like their is a love triangle happening :lol: :lol:

Sun Aug 24, 2008, 02:56 PM

They are in a 40g. tank. The current inhabitants are a 5'' red 'platinum'? (That's what the store called her), her possible partner a red/turq. 4.5'', blue snakeskin (the rival), (2) 2.5-3'' melons, and one 2.5'' mystery guy.

I followed the treatment per box and treated the tank and followed up treatment 3 days later and did a large waterchange following that.

BTW, when I was treating the tank, none lost their appetite. Everyone in the tank is fine, it's just she's still not eating. She's still swimming around fine, but when her red turq. poss. partner comes near, there is some definite body language happening.

If she's holding eggs, is this normal behavior? Do the females become a bit more reclusive and not eat? She's not acting sick, just a bit more reclusive and not intererested in eating. :(

Sun Aug 24, 2008, 11:03 PM
there are 2 types of worms to treat for.
1 you have treated with prazi, the second are for the nasty nematodal, here in australia we treat with Levamisole used for worming pigs and poultry
read this thread it might help you identify if it could be the problem with your girl. They don't norrmally stop eating during courtship it is when the fatten up as they don't eat much when spawning and raising the fry.
then there is another thread that will tell you how much to give your fish: http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13278
Did you notice whether she has pooped? Was it white and stringy?
You could also try some live food, they don't usually turn that down, brine shrimp or live worms, she is bound to eat those.
Also have you used garlicgard? it instices your fish to eat.
Good luck, keep us informed on how it goes

Sat Aug 30, 2008, 07:55 PM
1 week ago yesterday, and she's still not eating to my knowledge. :(

One breakthrough though, as I was doing a waterchange today...I discovered........EGGS! They were on the back of a rock. I had separated the male a few days ago in a Quarantine Tank and today I had moved the female in there with him. Once I discovered the eggs I put the rock in the Q-tank with the two of them and he seemed really happy to see his woman, but he ate the eggs. :(

I might be in the minority by saying this, but I really didn't want a pair. I'm so new to discus that I feel bad having a pair when I don't know what I'm doing with fry, KWIM?

Anyway, I hope my girl regains her appetite, I'm getting worried about her. Is it normal for her to not want to eat during this time?