View Full Version : Stocking a 100 gal
Fri Aug 22, 2008, 06:15 AM
Hello I've been thinking about getting some discus for my 5 foot 100gal tank. I have been reading a lot about them and I think I am ready to do it but I'm not sure what to keep with them. Right now I have some angels and some tetras in the tank, but I've been reading mixed topics about having angels and discus together. I really like my angels and do not want to give them up but I think the addition of some discus would really add nicely to the tank. I am not sure what to do.
What are your opinions about having the two mixed together? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
mistakes r crucial
Fri Aug 22, 2008, 06:58 AM
Some people do without any problems whatsoever and others do with awful problems and dead fish eventually. If you are willing to spend quite big money to stock your tank with Discus then personally I would leave the Angels out of the equation. I have kept them together for a short while but would not do so again, mine were adults and extremely aggressive whilst in spawning mode which made life difficult for anything else in the tank.
The other things to consider are the diseases Angels can carry and be immune to but Discus are not, they have the ability to create catastrophe on a large scale.
Fri Aug 22, 2008, 07:51 AM
A very warm welcome to the forum DaniellieBellie.
I agree with the advice that hass already been given by MAC.
If you want to keep your discus in good health, then you can't have domestic angels in with them. They are such a magnificent fish, they really deserve to be in a tank on their own, with just a shoal of tetras as tankmates, and perhaps a few bottom dwellers.
Sat Aug 23, 2008, 12:42 AM
Ok so putting aside the health issues (Although that is enough to make me second guess mixing the two). Behavior wise my angels have gotten along will any other fish I have had over the years. Is is just because discus are another cichlid that there may be a problem or are there other kinds of conflicts that may arise?
Also, if I do get rid of the angels how many discus can I have in my tank? It is roughly 5 ft long by 18 in wide by 21 in tall.
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