View Full Version : Happy Birthday Robdog!

Tue Aug 19, 2008, 12:33 PM
happy Birthday Cavity Boy! :D :D :D :D

:birthday :birthday

Wed Aug 20, 2008, 10:48 AM
Happy birthday Doggie :P

Hope you had a great day mate.

Mon Aug 25, 2008, 01:48 PM
:roll: Geez I go AWOL from this place for 3 months, only to come back and find this! :shock: My secret shame. Moving to Nth QLD to live in a dishwasher cavity :lol: :lol:
And to think I lasted this long without my picture in the Faces to Names thread. :wink:

Cheers for the B'day wishes, up yours for the photo Bec! :lol: :lol:

Tue Aug 26, 2008, 06:37 AM
Hahahahaha, yes Rob, you know u love it lol :):) ;P