View Full Version : How Many Can I Fit?

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 03:18 AM
Ok, sorry to sound noobish...it's because i am one..but anyway...heregoes!

Ok, I told my gram about these fish and she has agreed to help my pay for some (the cost alot of $$$) anyway, i have a 55 gallon tank, i would like how many i gan get into it, without cramping them too much.

I am almost positive the dimensions are 20 in. tall - 48 in. across - and 12.5 in. thick.

If i can't get them, i understand. i would rather have no fish than have a few miserable ones.

Thanks in advance, sooo much. :D

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 03:19 AM
oh - i forgot the mention, the tank has nothing in it yet. I am going to cycle it before i do anything. Sorry to make a whole new post - i don't know where the edit button is :D

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 03:31 AM
General rule of thumb is 1 per every US gallons. However, this can be effected by a lot of things, and I would say that if you had a bare bottom tank you could put 6 in there. A lot of people say that 6 is the bare minimum for a discus tank, as any less and you're susceptible to bullying and/or your fish may feel vulnerable being in such a small group.

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 03:35 AM
I don't follow that rule, it isn't good at all. And a gallon for a discus? seems like torture to me :/

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 04:11 AM
unless you meant 1 for every 10 gallons like i saw someone else say, if so then okay ;)

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 05:02 AM
I think that's a typo, and Chris meant to say 1 adult fish to every 10 gallons or 40 litres.

Using that criteria, you could safely put 5 discus in there.

If you're planning on getting juveniles, then I'd suggest you leave the tank bare bottom till they grow up. Juveniles need to be fed often, and they need their water changed every two days to really maximize their growth, so a bare bottom tank just makes it that much easier.

If you're getting adults, then you could have a planted tank.

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 05:05 AM
thank you very much for clarifying!

I can't wait!!!

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 08:36 AM
Haha, yeah! Missed the 1 and the 0... Using the 'typo' method, my new tank could have over 100 Discus! yeah, one every 10 US gallons

Sat Aug 16, 2008, 02:58 PM
it's ok lol! We all make mistakes...i make mistakes more than others but thats ok.