View Full Version : sad indiana discuss

Fri Aug 08, 2008, 03:48 PM
i have a indiana tigr discuss and he was very exciting to watch and was always moving around eating lots. Now he just hangs in one corner and does not mingle with the other fish. his poo is white also if thats ok?
any ideas what to do? his the biggest fish i the tank at about 15 cms
thanks in advance

Fri Aug 08, 2008, 04:02 PM
If it has white faeces then it is sick.

Have a good look at it, if it is white and slimey looking then it is hexamita (or spironucleus).
This is generally treated with Metro (metronidazole), which you may need to get from a vet, or a sponsor on this site.

If the faeces are white and segmented it is probably a tapeworm
treated with Praziquantel

I would seperate the fish from the others and treat in a hospital tank. Follow any med instructions carefully.
You need to act asap



Sat Aug 09, 2008, 06:36 AM
YEP, i have got 6 tablets which i will add to the quarantine tank which i jsut bought. See how it goes. Geez i love spending money :D
your right on the money with your response exactly what the aquarium guys said :thumbs up:

Sat Aug 09, 2008, 10:26 AM
Great, lets hope that it works. :D

Mon Aug 11, 2008, 01:50 PM
well it hasn't worked and he died just now.
My aquarium guy said 3 tablets for a 60 liter tank which i bought off him.
just measured it and its only 28 liters so he must of died from too much of the metronidazole. well he was dazed and floaty.
very pissed off will call him tomorrow and let him no.

Wed Aug 13, 2008, 06:05 AM
So you did a double dose? How did you work out the dosage in the first place?


Big Daddy1
Wed Aug 13, 2008, 01:32 PM
Mann, that isn't cool and just sucks. there is a big difference between 28 and 60, half the size.

Sorry, I just lost one yesterday too, no clue why.

Wed Aug 13, 2008, 11:31 PM
Sorry for your loss,

I'm afraid 28 litres is too small even for a quaranteen tank for discus...

I'm guessing the water fouled pretty quickly and he died of amonia/nitrite poisoning..

You'd have to change 90% of water twice a day or something crazy like that to keep them going in such a small space. :(



Thu Aug 14, 2008, 07:20 AM
wow i thought it would be ok in that tank well thats what he said. its just under 30 liters. he said his going to give me another one when the next shipment gets in. he was very surprised also.