Fri Aug 08, 2008, 09:57 AM
has anyone ever kept otto cats, Otocinclus affinis, with their discus? If so did you have any problems with them bothering the discus? I want to get these for algae clean up. I assume the discus would eat shrimp if I used them for algae clean up.
Also am looking for a snail eater (snuck in on plants) for my tank. Any suggestions?
I have 1 small, 2 medium discus, blue loach (outgrowing the tank), corys, bristlenose, flying fox, and some tetras. I am still covered in hair and other algae.
has anyone ever kept otto cats, Otocinclus affinis, with their discus? If so did you have any problems with them bothering the discus? I want to get these for algae clean up. I assume the discus would eat shrimp if I used them for algae clean up.
Also am looking for a snail eater (snuck in on plants) for my tank. Any suggestions?
I have 1 small, 2 medium discus, blue loach (outgrowing the tank), corys, bristlenose, flying fox, and some tetras. I am still covered in hair and other algae.