View Full Version : Brown Algea on plants how to get rid of it???

Thu Aug 07, 2008, 12:32 PM
I have got this brown algea growing on my plants, could someone tell me how to get rid of it for good. Here my stats and pics of what it looks like.
Phosphate - 1mg/L
Fe - 2.0ppm or maybe slightly higher
Nitrite - 0
Kh - 10
Ph 7.0
Nitrate- 12.5

i have got 2.16wpg of light and dupla g on the bottom as a substrate. Havent been ferting becuase of the algea. Any suggestions.
Cheers Axl

Thu Aug 07, 2008, 12:39 PM
bristlenoses will eat it. Other option is to up your co2 and add some quick growing plants. If possible use a red species like red ludwiga. They love iron and phosphate. A good green plant like wysteria will remove nitrogen from your water column and starve out the algae. What species are you growing?

Thu Aug 07, 2008, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the reply back, I have only got various crypts, amazon swords and giant hygro. For some reason bristlenose keep dying in my tank and dont last to long. Im waiting for lfs to get me some ottos in, at the moment there hard to get down in vic. Wisteria grows like crazy and wouldnt be an option in my tank. i might some ottos and bristlenose and some red ludwiga how does that sound.

Fri Aug 08, 2008, 07:25 AM
that would help, if all your growing is root feeders i wouldn't bother adding liquid ferts at all to be honest, all you'll do is feed algae, just add some good root ferts every few months and your plants will do fine.

Tue Aug 12, 2008, 01:18 AM

Up market aquariums have a number of Otto catfish available. Also try larger bristle nose catfish, i found once I got them over 5 cm they did better.