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View Full Version : 6/5ft Stand, 3tier 2ft stand and tanks, 3 ft and a 2ft smp

Wed Aug 06, 2008, 05:59 AM

Have a 6ft or 5ft (+sump) stand. Stand is made out of some sort of particle board, chipboard i think, and pine. Great condition and very sturdy, just not incredibly awesome to look at. Has all the holes for sump to go underneath the tank or if using as a 5ft stand, to sit beside it. Came with my 5 ft but i made my own cabinet.

Also have a 3 tier 2ft stand and tank setup. I was cleaning one of the tanks the other day and i think i pulled some of the silicone out of one of the corners so not sure if it holds water anymore. I'll just give it to the person who buys the other stuff, if they want it. Tanks are in fair condition but the other 2 hold water and have black paint on the outside of one side.

Also have a 3ft tank. Again holds water but nothing special. Pretty oldschool with steel corner protectors and a mirrored back but would be good for grow out (albeit a small tank) as the mirror reflects a lot more light into the tank.

Finally, have a 2ft sump. Don't know anything about sumps, this one came with the stand above. See pics.

Don't know about whether or not the stands are structural pine or not as i didn't build them but they seem strong and do the job well.

The reason there is no prices is because i don't know what they're worth just need them gone, so make an offer. I'll probably even consider rediculous offers though hey.

pick up only


Wed Aug 06, 2008, 06:07 AM

Wed Aug 20, 2008, 07:30 AM
6ft stand on hold. 3tier 2ft stand sold.

3ft tank and 2ft sump still available.

Seriously will consider anything for them, just need it gone.

Thanks for looking

Sun Aug 31, 2008, 08:12 AM
sump sold. 3ft still available

cmon, there's always room for one more...