View Full Version : caudal peduncle

Big Daddy1
Wed Aug 06, 2008, 02:02 AM
Do discus sometimes have genetic defects to their caudal peduncle? I got two from online and they showed up looking like their caudal peduncle is actually broken. If it was actually broken, the fish would certainly stop eating and most likely die. My two eat and swim okay. I was also thinking malnutrition. :?: :?:

Wed Aug 06, 2008, 02:07 AM
Yes, thats a well known discus deformity, not sure what causes it, i'm guessing its mostly genetic but maybe it can be enironmental as well, not sure. Maybe someone can shed more light on the causes of the bent peduncle deformity here.

Big Daddy1
Wed Aug 06, 2008, 02:32 AM
That is great to know and really disappointing that an online dealer would send someone fish like this without providing a heads up. "Hey, I've got two fish here that have this deformity." Are we aloud to call out the dealer or is that a no-no.

Wed Aug 06, 2008, 07:47 PM
They look terrible........I would be infuriated if I was sold these. :evil: They look so thin and stunted. The forehead should be full and round (side to side, not up, down) If it looks pinched it is malnourished. I would think they probably have some internal problem (worms/parasite) that have sucked all the goodness out of them.

Get your money back, and use the sponsors of the forum. It makes me mad to see people who are sold poor, sick deformed and stunted fish. Just greedy people trying to get rid of fish they should have culled.

Advice, Treat for worms. Just try to feed them well, High protein foods, give them lots of good water and hope for the best. :(


Big Daddy1
Thu Aug 07, 2008, 01:08 PM

It is common to get worm problems from malnutrition? I thought I would get them fed up and go from there.
Would you be speaking of intestinal worms that I would be able to see?
Bloodworms are about the only thing I can get them to eat right now and they take some regular and veggie flake, just not much.
I've been feeding them flake 1-2/daily combined with bloodworm 1-2 daily. I'm thinking this is appropriate?

Thu Aug 07, 2008, 04:30 PM
They will readily take bloodworm, but it is not a highly nutritional or staple food. You need to bulk them up and quick. Find a supplier of a beefheart food, and feed this to them along with other granular foods. I have never had much luck with a flake food but Tetra make a good discus range.

Discus can suffer from many internal parasites from tape worms to flagellates, which in your case I would treat them for. I would advise a treatment of Metro, and Prazi. You need to get these fish clean again so they will take on a bit of weight.

Big Daddy1
Thu Aug 07, 2008, 06:35 PM
Beafheart it is.

Is Metro and Prazi a fairly lite medication? Will it damage my bacteria, other fish or plants?

Fri Aug 08, 2008, 03:47 PM
They are strong in meaning they will do the job if used at the correct doses, which is what you want. I would recommend treating them in a hospital/ qt tank to be safe, although they should not upset your filter or plants.

Remember that if you use a smaller tank for this, you will still need to maintain a water change regime, but replacing the med for the amount of water taken out.

hth :)