View Full Version : female bettas
Tue Aug 05, 2008, 10:44 PM
I have 5 female bettas in with my discus. Their colours are beautiful,they love the higher temps and don't seem to bother the disus at all. But having said that you all may know something that I don't. :)
Wed Aug 06, 2008, 02:03 AM
I think there is other posts here saying that keeping bettas at discus temps shortens their lifespan. So if you don't mind them dying a bit earlier you should be right.
Big Daddy1
Wed Aug 06, 2008, 02:06 AM
In addition to that, consider the hot, humid, and shallow mud puddles they originate from.
Wed Aug 06, 2008, 06:35 AM
Not sure what you mean about remember humid mud puddles the originate from. These fishies have never been near a mud puddle. I wasn't worried about the bettas in discus tank conditions I was meaning if the bettas would bother the discus. I have been keeping bettas for a while now and all of them are in 27-30 temp. I have never had one die from from disease and I have 9 males and 6 females Never had white spot, velvet or any other form of fungus .I only have had one die and that was from a tumour. I did have another with fin rot and one with an eye problem but all fixed up very quickly. Many people have disease with bettas but FME I believe the higher temps help keep them happy and healthy .
Thu Aug 07, 2008, 11:58 AM
Not sure where the "shallow mud puddle" story originated, but it's been around for a long time, along with the story of bettas living in the small amount of water contained in hoof prints.
Truth of the matter is, that wild bettas live in flooded rice paddies. Shallow - yes. Muddy - possibly, but definitely not a puddle. We're talking about a vast amount of water, very soft and full of rotting vegetation. And of course, the temp is high, around 29 - 30 degrees.
Keeping all that in mind, a group of female bettas will be fine in a discus tank. Obviously you're aware that males will fight and must be kept one to a tank, but the females are pretty peaceful with each other.
Fri Aug 08, 2008, 12:58 AM
Ive had females rip the crap out of each other but both my male a nd females have never bothered any other fish much. They do flare at the rams a bit but they get over it quick enough.
They thrive in the tank with my discus and have never been happier.
I have just moved my male to a smaller tank as he was not getting along with the female very well. He is about 3yrs old now and still builds his bubblenest and is very healthy so i have my doubts about it shortening their life to a noticable extent.
Fri Aug 08, 2008, 11:51 PM
Sorry, I know all about the living conditions but I wasn't sure how that related as these fish have never lived in muddy puddles. Wow 3 years that's great. I agree about them thriving with the discus, they get 3 feeds a day, extra clean water, what a life.They all fight from time to time and a few fin nippies. I have some stunning girls and they are similar in personality to the discus how they respond to humans. How do you keep the male in with the females? I didn't think this was a possibility.
Sun Aug 10, 2008, 03:41 AM
I had my male in with the female only because it was a big tank. I would not do it in a small or bare tank.
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