View Full Version : My Beautiful Marlboro Reds

Fri Dec 31, 2004, 08:43 PM
Hey Hey Hey, this is my first topic and very first post on this forum...woahh glad i got that off my back :lol:

anybody here own marlboro reds? I had purchased 4 a couple of days ago and was hoping for some experienced answers from you guys/gals, i think I have three of the regular type of marlboro and one which has no speckles and seems to VERY shy. Tank setup is one sponge filter with water coming from pre-aged tap in a BARE bottom tank and pH: 7.2.

SHY marlboro doesn't eat, and hasn't since it has came, the other regular marlboros are healthy and eating well. Bulling system - most specked marlboro to most largest to smallest to SHY. Could it be that this system is helping push the already SHY marlboro from eating? transferring to another tank is an option but it would be a huge hastle.

is pH good? i heard about 6.5 is good but is mine too extreme?
pictures of your marlboro reds?
guess on my fishies age? AND are my discuses at a too young of an age to show their true cordinations?

Fri Dec 31, 2004, 08:46 PM
Another Pic of the shy one

Fri Dec 31, 2004, 11:50 PM
ph 7.2 is fine mine is around 7.5 straight from the tap.

what is the size of your fish? they dont normally show their true color until around 3-4" depending strain.

not sure if its the angle of pic but, imo your fish look stunted and in pretty bad shape...

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 12:06 AM
guess on my fishies age?

How big are they in cms ?

pH: 7.2.

That PH is fine. All my tanks run about the same or slightly higher. Very very happy and healthly fish.

I picked up some red marlboro babies from dreamer. They are still an orange colour, 4 of the 6 are heavy speckled, 2 very lightly ... I sure this will change alot in the next 6 months, and as I am not a breeder or displaying them in shows ... this adds to their uniqueness in my eyes.

I would not be too concerned about the shy one not eating yet, give him some time.

How big is your tank ?

Also if you mind me asking where did you get the discus from ?

Here is some pics, first pic is when I first got them, , last one is about 3 months latter.

Perhaps dreamer will post a pic of their parents ... absolutely stunning. 8-)

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 01:06 AM
Yeah, the shy one is a little stunted, but everyone has their innormalities right? All of them are around 3 inches (including the tail) and and tank size is 16X12X24, so 20 gal tall. I had just installed a box filter on it's side and hope that would get some of the poo from the floor. I'm gonna put some gravel as well and soon I'll post some pics

Weird: I think my discuses are the same size as your little ones in the second pic, two of mine are like the two in the far left and the speckled one is like the top right one of yours.

I got my fish from a reliable little fish shop close to home, once picked bout 5 angels from them and they all just stunned me later at home, all very strong and quarantined from my point of view, soon a paired formed and it's great...anyways, back to the discus...

i have some pics of the three seperate others, here they are

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 01:08 AM
Sorry bout the okay quality of the pics

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 01:09 AM
This one's even smaller than the shy one and is even bullied more than the shy one, BUT it gets to eat :roll:

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 06:03 AM
luv your tank man thats the look i want
started with my first bit of drift wood and plant grafted on it yesterday.
discusd gooduck with the none eater i have the same problem although he hasn't had a feed in 4 days he looks in better nic than your little bloke
my ph is at 6.8 parameteres could not be better except water hardness is 110pm he was eating and just stopped .Maybe because i was feeding live blood worms witched they all loved and have varied their diet frozen brine and colorbits

Sat Jan 01, 2005, 08:12 AM
anybody here own marlboro reds?

I currently have 8 Melons and 13 White Face Malboros

I had purchased 4 a couple of days ago and was hoping for some experienced answers from you guys/gals, i think I have three of the regular type of marlboro and one which has no speckles and seems to VERY shy. Tank setup is one sponge filter with water coming from pre-aged tap in a BARE bottom tank and pH: 7.2.

2 of the melons i have are also turning out this way. they have become very badly dusted but there colour is a much deeper red than the others as well. They all look the same when i got them 3 months ago. Ph of 7.2 is fine.

SHY marlboro doesn't eat, and hasn't since it has came, the other regular marlboros are healthy and eating well. Bulling system - most specked marlboro to most largest to smallest to SHY. Could it be that this system is helping push the already SHY marlboro from eating? transferring to another tank is an option but it would be a huge hastle.

As already said give a bit of time to see what happens.

guess on my fishies age? AND are my discuses at a too young of an age to show their true cordinations?

From my experience with these types so far. They colouration varies between fish and also if you feed a coulour enhancing food that colouring will come out faster, but that is true with all colouration in discus :) . Mine are still to young and i dont use much colour food on my fish to see if the patterns are going to fill in fullly yet.

here is my tank of the little buggers


If these fish are all from the same batch then by looking at the largest fish i would guess that the fish are probably around 6 to 9 months old. Again im only guessing and the rate of growth of fish is solely determined by how you keep them etc etc.

Hope they grow up well and that you get much enjoyment out of them.


Sat Jan 01, 2005, 09:42 AM
Wow Wayne, I hope mine look anything like yours in the passing months ... stunning coloration ... looking at mine and yours they look totally different .... can both be red marlboros ??? Yes I think they can and it probably shows the changes the guys can make in colouration while growing. Mine have been through abit (bad case of hex early on), but finally they are happy again and they like the changes I made to the tank ... and I have promised the buggers no more changes and they seem to like that.