View Full Version : Need some advice.
Sgt. Pepper
Fri Mar 12, 2004, 11:23 PM
I know there have probably been a lot of threads like this, I would just like to get some one on one help.
In a few weeks I will be setting up a new 55 gallon. I have always liked discus, and was considering getting them. I've read through many different websites that all give different information. I want to know how much extra work am I in for if I get them? I have other tanks, so I do a lot already. Do you recommend any special equipment I should get (ie. filters, ets.). I planned on having at least two-three in the tank. Maybe adding a small school of tetras or cory catfish sometime down the line. Is that even a good idea? Any other advice of the sort would be greatly appreciated.
Sat Mar 13, 2004, 01:15 AM
hey there -
if you're an experienced fishkeeper, i don't think the discus are problematic, but they are more work, just in terms of water quality. i've kept tropicals for a long time and only changed water once a fortnight. the discus need more than that, so you have to work it into the timetable of the rest of your life...
they eat more, and whatsmore, they look at you like you're neglecting them if you don't feed them, which a school of tetras tends not to...
but they are so worth the extra effort. i'm only a newie to it myself (about 6 months) so you'll probably get better info from heaps of others. if you really love them, the work isn't a chore.
Sat Mar 13, 2004, 03:44 AM
Welcome to Sgt Pepper
The so called difficult to keep Discus is a lie.... :wink:
They are no more difficult than any other fish to keep, so long as there environment is well maintained... I mean as Justin mentioned they do require a higher frequency of water changes, and they also prefer a more frequent feeding schedule, but they are flexible... some days my babies (all sized Discus) get fed 3-4 times a day, and on others 1-2, and guess what... they are as happy as a pig in mud...
A 55g would be fine for a small group of juveniles, but once they start to develop I would be thinking only 2-4 in that isze tank, and Discus love to be in groups... 4 as an absolute minimum, 6 preferably... (you will get better interaction from them as they feel safer in a group)...
At the end of the day, once you start keeping Discus, you will be addicted...
Sat Mar 13, 2004, 04:47 AM
my advice would be purchase 6-10 small discus and keep them in a bare bottom tank (no gravel). have at least two sponge filters in the tank and a canister filter as well. the only thing is with the canister filter have a sponge on the intake pipe so that there is not a huge build up of crap in the canister. and clean the canister filter out about once a month.
do water changes (w/c) as often as possible. i do %30 every day and it works very well for me. Some breeders in asia do 90-100% once and some even twice a day.
feed a good variety of food including hikari frozen blood worms and brine shrimp, beef heart mix and tetra colour bits.
discus are not hard to keep. good water quality is the key with discus. if you take care of the water the fish will take care of themselves.
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