View Full Version : Finn's new home
Tue Jul 22, 2008, 09:28 PM
Well here it is, the beginning of Finn's new home. I am sure it always goes that you get given a fish (that cannot live with your Africans) and so you go out and buy a 570 ltr ,ex marine tank to house her :lol: :lol:
With much mucking around the plants rocks and stones are now in.. and there are no leaks in the sump tank anymore (thanks to DIY and Illusn for sharing some of their wisdom).
I need to move the big stones around so the mounds remain as mounds.. I have always used gravel, but the more pics I see of other tanks, the more I really like the sand bottom tanks.. mmm a project for the future perhaps. (the background came with the tank but I am unsure if it will survive)
As the plants begin to fill out and some fish get the green light to move in I will post some more pics.. I cannot wait to go discus shopping..
thanks for having a look :D
Tue Jul 22, 2008, 09:45 PM
few more pics
Tue Jul 22, 2008, 10:21 PM
That's a very nice looking setup, Sharon. I see it holds 570L - what are it's dimensions? Where is fin now? Bet he will be happy when he gets to move in.
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 01:57 AM
the tank is a 5x2x2
Finn is trapped in the pic to the left in my signature :D :D . her best friend at the moment is a bol. butterfly... you can see why she needs a bigger tank and more discus to play with.. she is currently sitting about 3 mtrs from the new tank it seems like she spends all day just looking over at the new one.. she is quite sad at the moment though as I have taken all the plants out to put in the new tank..
I just want to get her in there but the ammonia levels have not yet spiked.. sooonnnnnn :lol:
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 02:14 AM
she is currently sitting about 3 mtrs from the new tank it seems like she spends all day just looking over at the new one.. she is quite sad at the moment though as I have taken all the plants out to put in the new tank.. That is so like my situation. My 165L is sitting on the floor of my loungeroom. The new 7ft tanks sits on the cabinet just above it. The plants were mostly taken out Monday to go in the 7ft (you visited my thread on this). So my discus are not happy & I'm sure they are giving me dirty looks, demanding why they can't move in. Soon, children, soon I say. (It's still testing for ammonia, so they can't move in yet).
How long till Fin get's to move in?
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 02:21 AM
[quote=pink66] How long till Fin get's to move in?
I am off to test again as we speak.. If I am not getting any further today then it is off to the shop for some prawns.. Up until now I have been using filter material from both of my tanks to help the bacteria level.. I am even using 2 buckets of Finn's water every day into the new tank.. I would like to say that by the weekend she will be in.. but I know better.. It is so unfair.. the water looks so clean and inviting :lol:
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 02:26 AM
You are definitely mirroring my situation. My prawns are already in the tank. Keep us posted. It will be interesting to see how long it takes us both & the difference time frames we experience. When did your water go in. Was it Wednesday? Mine went in Monday night.
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 03:16 AM
water went in on Saturday night
Wed Jul 23, 2008, 09:14 AM
Good luck, keep us posted. Finn looks very pretty, BTW.
Thu Jul 24, 2008, 06:13 AM
You've done a lovely job with that tank Sharon.
A real fishy palace for Finn :P
Fri Aug 01, 2008, 11:57 AM
I could not resist. After seeing TW's 7ft planted tank (which I love) I had to have sand. Sorry the pics are a bit dodgy.. A new better camera is on the Christmas list :)
The waiting is almost over.. The tank has reached zero ammonia, zero nitrites and finally has shown a nitrate reading.. YEAH, the bugs must be busy... So just because I want to be sure (and what is another day) I will test again tomorrow just to confirm the reading.
Then it will be time to start putting fish in.. :D :D I do not know who is more excited, me because I will get to go discus fish hunting or Finn and friends because they are going from a 95ltr tank to a 571 ltr tank (hope they don't get lost trying to get around in their :lol: :lol: )
Now my cichlids are extremely unhappy about the time I have been spending setting up a tank that is not for them that I thought I should add a pic of them.. The pic of the dog is my faithful staff who always seems to find something I am working with for the tank to grab and run away with and hide under the bed (why, just because she can)
Cheers :wave2
Sat Aug 02, 2008, 01:50 AM
That looks very nice Sharon, I like what you've done a lot.
Don't forget to quarantine any new discus, before adding them to Finn & existing tank mates.
Looking forward to the picture of Finn & company swimming around in your nice river setting.
Sat Aug 02, 2008, 02:23 AM
Thanks Robyn, I have my 2ftr ready to go as soon as I come across some nice discus who want to live at my place. I am in no hurry to load it up.. Just as the opportunity arises will be just fine.. (I will keep some fish back from the new tank to keep it cycled)
this morning I have put in a pair of bol. butterflies and 8 harlequin tetras, 2 albino corys and 2 spotty corys.. and sometime between 5.30am this morning and now one of the albino's have simply disappeared !!! very strange mystery.. (I even pulled the sump pipe apart just to make sure he had not made his way into there) I may have to put out a reward for his safe return :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sat Aug 02, 2008, 04:15 AM
Well, it looks like you're well & truly organised & know exactly what you're doing.
Forgot to mention before, that's a cute dog. He still has that young puppy look about him.
Sat Aug 02, 2008, 05:22 AM
an expert, probably far from it.... just done heaps of reading on the forum and have asked heaps of questions and now know that it would be rather brave to try to just add new fish into tank.. Anything could go wrong and I have been working at this for toooooo long..
As for Katie, she is 3 1/2 and yes still looks like a puppy.. Never quite filled out like her parents.. But she is still just the best puppy in the world (and currently curled up next to me on the couch :) as it is raining down here in sunny Crib Point and I suppose she thinks it is the best place to be today!!)
I have just stirred everything up in the tank looking for the cory.. We give up, "just GONE" Once all the fish are settled in I will post a few more pics..
Regards, Sharon
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