View Full Version : Moss thickness

Mon Jul 21, 2008, 02:08 AM
Hi just wonder, does the light affect the thickness of Java moss growth at all??

Coz i have some java moss attachment to my driftwood in my community tank. I bought these java moss from local fish shop. The java moss seems to be growing quite good but it's very very think... not as thick as what it originally use to be.

Just wonder, is it cause by the light ?? coz i am only using a single tube about 15W light on this tank (70cm x 40cm x 50cm).


Mon Jul 21, 2008, 02:21 AM
In low light it tends to grow tall and stringy, it doesn't need much light to grow in all honesty, what you bought from your LFS was proably grown emersed (with a very thin layer of water flowing through it). under such conditions it grows very low and very VERY thick.