View Full Version : Bad photography of my new tank!

Mon Jul 14, 2008, 04:52 AM
Here is a very bad photo of my new tank setup. I apologize for the quality of the pics, I am really not a good photographer!


It is only a 3ft tank, eco-complete, T5 HO's, 1 Gro-lux and 1 Sun-lux 10000k, assorted plants (I really don't know the names of them!), and no fish as yet. I think it looks much better in real life, and I like how it is coming along, and once everything establishes it should be good. The little swords, not sure what they are called, have runners coming off them everywhere, I have counted 15 new little plants already, that is more than I bought originally.


Thought I would share and feel free to comment, either on the tank or how to improve my photography skills!


Mon Jul 14, 2008, 06:00 AM
Aaron tank is looking great so far mate. What is the cover on top?

Mon Jul 14, 2008, 07:57 AM
aluminum foil for now, until I get my act together there and get myself a real hood.

I found too much light escaping so it is just draped over the top, ends are still open.

Mon Jul 14, 2008, 08:27 AM
The plants look very happy indeed.. :D