Sponsor Relations
Sat Jul 05, 2008, 08:47 AM
So as not to clutter up the Members Classifieds area with several threads from each of our sponsors (as they now all have there own topic areas) Each sponsor can reply to this thread with advice on specials, new products, events etc.
Please remember to support those businesses that support this community.
Sat Jul 05, 2008, 08:50 AM
We are pleased to advise that ASA will soon have listed a range of the AZOO products now again available in Australia.
These are a few tasty previews for you all :wink:
Azoo Discus Live Water contains organic acids to create a suitable water environment for Discus.
It effectively eliminates excessive ammonia, chloramines, residual chlorine and heavy metals in tap water.
Rich in vitamin B groups to enhance the metabolism and immunity of Discus fish.
Provides trace elements that enhance the growth of aquatic plants.
Azoo Discus Live Water contains anti bacterial ingredients to restrain the growth of pathogens.
It also removes the oily membrane materials at the water surface to inhibit the growth of algae.
Azoo Discus Live Water stabilses pH values and replenishes consumescarbonate hardness in the water.
Contains condensed vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, A, D, E and Glucan.
Promotes good metabolism and resistance to disease in fish. Also helps Discus adapt to a new environment.
Cures illnesses caused by imbalance in nutrition or long-term feeding habits.
Effectively treats hole-in-the-head symptoms, darken disease, and Scoliosis.
Contains additives essential to good nutrition for Discus aquariums.
Effectively treat Camallanus, roundworms, Cestode, Ascarid, and Hexamita caused by endoparasites.
Effectively treats septicemia, rotten body, scale protrusion, bulged eye disease, and fin rot diseases caused by bacterial pathogens.
Effectively treats saprolegnia and cotton shape mycelium caused by fungal infections.
Effectivly treats Polyblennia, plague, Ichthyophthirius disease, Chilodonella disease and Lernaea disease caused by parasites.
Select from many high-quality active cultures to purify the quality of water where providing hamburger and Tubifex worms as food for fishes.
Naturally decompose organics, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, etc.
Periodically apply to culture dominative bacterium and effectively inhibit the multiplication of aquatic pathogens.
Contain at least 109 active cultures per ml.
Use regularly with AZOO DISCUS LIVE WATER to increase the time between water changes.
AZOO 9 in 1 Discus Larva Pellet
AZOO 9 in 1 Discus Pellet Red
AZOO 9 in 1 Discus Pellet Blue
AZOO 9 in 1 Pleco Wafer
AZOO 9 in 1 Enhance Colour Pellet
AZOO Algae Treatment
AZOO Aquaguard
AZOO chlorine & Chloramine Remover
AZOO Protein Remover
AZOO 11 in 1 Super Bio Bacteria
AZOO Anti White Spot
AZOO Anti Oodinium for Velvet
AZOO Freshwater Anti Protozoa for Discus Parasites
AZOO CO2 Indicator
AZOO Test Kits
AZOO Twin Effect Calcium Reactor
AZOO Twin Effect Bio Denitrator
AZOO U.V Light 13w
Thats just some of the range coming soon!!
Thu Jul 17, 2008, 07:35 AM
Just to let everyone know I now have heaters in stock in 3 sizes:
100W - $16.00 + Postage
200W - $17.00 + Postage
300W - $18.50 + Postage.
They are the best made heaters I have seen on my travels...They go up to 34C and the element is wrapped around a Ceramic insulator so there are no small glass tubes to break inside the heater.
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