View Full Version : sick green discus
Sat Jun 21, 2008, 08:15 AM
hi. really hoping for some help
i have a wild green. 12-14 cm until recently in excellent health. then 2 weeks ago i noticed extension of what i thought was reproductive organ but wrong colour? since then growth is larger, shaped like flower wart. fish became shy and eats food but immediately spits out. tries again a few times then give up. photos following
thanks... any suggestion gratefully received
Sat Jun 21, 2008, 02:33 PM
Hmmmmm not good.
This looks like the gut protruding from the anus, but I have no idea why.
Could be from a growth, blockage or tumor, or maybe irritation of the bowl causing a prolapse.
I think this is one for the medical experts.
Fortunately two of our members are qualified vets, and one member is married to a dedicated fish vet. We also have highly experienced breeders who have written books on discus.
While we wait for their opinion, can you please give some more information on your fish.
Your tank parameters, feeding and water change routine. Have you introduced any new fish into the tank, or have you begun any new type of food. All these things may help to pin point the problem.
Sat Jun 21, 2008, 02:55 PM
I'd say probably a bacterial infection.
Sat Jun 21, 2008, 07:05 PM
water parameters are
pH 5.5 - 5.6 - which i have slowly brought down since green discus purchase 3-4 months ago.
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
temp ranges from 28. 3 to 28. 6 (night and day)
nitrates below 5 (the sump runs through purigen that is changed when there is a colour change)
30% water change once a week (bottom sand cleaned) with 28 degree aged tap water (2-3 days) that has prime and HCL added
canberra water is very soft
tank 6 x 2 x 2 ft with sand, drift woood, floating plants (hydrocotlye), some echinodorous and some anubias
i do add seachem excel for carbon for plants at 1/2 strength
food - combinations of live black worms, frozen blood worm, breeders blend flake, occasional white worms, mozzie larvae in summer. and mals freeze dried black worms. they will not eat dry pellet food or brine shrimp
no new fish
5 greens
7 corydoras adolfi
10 cardinals
greens were last to be added - tank had been running 2 months with gradual intro of cardinal first ( there was a lot more 25 - discus snacks) then corys - greens added last. about 3 months ago - they were in Q were a time and i treated them for gill flukes ( which i have done again in large tank) but i have been loath to worm them with other medications because of other peoples experiences with non eating after medication
the other 4 greens voracious eaters - out of your hand, as was sick discus
i dont have a UV strerilser on this tank. maybe this is a mistake?
i have metro and big L but just have not removed fish from lrge tank to do anything because removing it will stress it out so i thought i would just wait until perhaps someone on this forum could suggest a course of action.
thanks for your reply M
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