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View Full Version : About to lose my eggs

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 08:58 AM
Hi everyone

Hoping this is the right place to post, I'm a newbie.

OK so we have four brown discus. I bought four small ones from the pet store as I was hoping to try to get a breeding pair one day and four was all I could fit in my tank which is a regular 3 foot tank. Temperature is about 26 degrees constant, I change around 30% water every Saturday.

So today I came home and there are eggs everywhere all over the walls. The fish are only very juvenile I thought (biggest is around 12 cm) - could the eggs be from the discus? There are two coryadoras catfish in the tank as well I was hoping would clean up while the discus were growing.

Should I move everyone out of the tank as an emergency measure??



Tue Jun 17, 2008, 10:18 AM
fry make excellent discus food, I'm assuming the eggs come from the corys.

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 02:19 PM
Congratulations, your corys have laid eggs :D

Attaching eggs to the glass is exactly what they do.

Just leave things as they are. The discus will probably pick off the cory eggs over the next day or so. It's a good quality, natural food.

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 05:47 AM
Thank you!