Sat Jun 14, 2008, 01:27 AM
I know discus like to kept in large shoals but was wondering whether or not this would work :D
footprint is 36 by 13 by 23 High works out to 45 gallons
tank is planted but i have no intentions on growing them out small, and will drop the money on big guys around 7"
was just wondering how many i could fit? ive heard people say you can fit 6 in a 55 gallon? or maybe more so i was thinking 4, anything more than that would be a stretch i believe
tankmates will be a shoal of cardinal tets and rummynose
a few bristlenose plec's
also could someone give me a list of Corys compatible for the 86 degree temp necessary for disc's?
footprint is 36 by 13 by 23 High works out to 45 gallons
tank is planted but i have no intentions on growing them out small, and will drop the money on big guys around 7"
was just wondering how many i could fit? ive heard people say you can fit 6 in a 55 gallon? or maybe more so i was thinking 4, anything more than that would be a stretch i believe
tankmates will be a shoal of cardinal tets and rummynose
a few bristlenose plec's
also could someone give me a list of Corys compatible for the 86 degree temp necessary for disc's?