View Full Version : Pump Size for water changes

Fri Jun 13, 2008, 02:03 PM

Wondering what is the maximum strength pump recommended for filling the tank from the water ager. Soon the 7ft will be in action & I was thinking of getting a stronger pump for filling the tank. Thinking I might get one of the external type, instead of submersible.

Would like it to be reasonably quick to fill the tank, but no so quick as to disturb the discus too much by powerful inflow.

What is the maximum flow rate I should be looking for.

Cheers, Robyn

Sat Jun 14, 2008, 09:54 PM
dont think you need to worry to much about it as long as its not blowing your tank apart

Sun Jun 15, 2008, 02:55 AM
i use a 3400L/h eheim the 1262, discus dont seem to mind, fills my 6x2x2 in no time.

Sun Jun 15, 2008, 10:17 PM
Thanks dwilder & ILLUSN
i use a 3400L/h eheim the 1262, discus dont seem to mind, fills my 6x2x2 in no time is the eheim 1262 an external an submersible, (rather than just submersible).

Sun Jun 15, 2008, 11:43 PM
YEP, i run my 1262 external, the compact+ series from 2000L/h up are also both external and submersable, if you wanted more flow rate (they go as high as 5000l/h, but i think the Hmax is only 2.3m vs 3.0m on the universal series.