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View Full Version : 850 Ltr set up for sale + Discus PERTH

Tue May 27, 2008, 12:38 PM
6ft x 2ft x 2.5 ft deep (850 ltr, 10mm Glass tank) with split glass covers
6ft x 2ft solid wood cabinet, 3 large door, 94cm from ground.
6 ft x 2ft wood lid to match cabinet (set) 16cm deep.
Total height of base, tank and lid = 180 cm tall

8 x Discus (7cm to 13cm approx)
1 x sailfin spotted pleco 28 cm
approx 16 tetra..(cardinals,rummy nose, head n tail light)
2 x clown loach 8cm
2 x baby bristle nose small 5cm

3 x large driftwood

2 x Eheim canister filters 2217 ( still running in tank)
1 x internal power head filter( still running in tank)

1 x air wall, 1 x air stone 1 x air pump(twin outlet)

2 x 300 watt heaters
1 x 4ft .T5, 8 x 54 watt light ( i dont have plants, use only 2 bulbs to light)

1 x 130ltr water safe water change container and long hose inc strong pump.

and various bits and bobs, tests, meds, other stuff, value approx 150.00

The basics in this lot cost over $3k not inc fish and extras

Less than 1 yr old, bought all last Aug /Sept

The lot can go for $1900 God that hurt ! otherwise not worth it, I will take the chance and take with me.

The tank is still running like a dream(will keep this way till sale so ready to move and run) keeping as much water as poss and filters good etc.

Oh yeah, Discus are not A grade but happy health fish all the same, 2 are mating.
1x red melon
1x red Turk
1 x white swan
1 x blue diamond
1 x malboro red
2 x red dragon
1 x grey colour ?

grey is laying eggs regularly and red dragon fertilises when he can get close, he has another suitor in the female dragon.

PERTH ONLY: You will need a few strong bodies for the cabinet and the tank !
:( will be very sad to see it go :cry:

Have pics will post when I can find them and figure out how again.

Tue May 27, 2008, 01:35 PM
Sorry, forgot to say..pls pm for more info if required or to arrange viewing of tank.

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 09:05 AM
Photos ?????

Sat Jun 21, 2008, 05:57 AM
Sorry been sorting house for sale also, extremely busy. Photos coming tonight !

I will probably sell Discus separate too, since post been quiet and 3 already sold.

will post details tonight also.

sorry for delay Geez I need a holiday

ps: anyone want to buy a house :lol:

Sat Jun 21, 2008, 06:46 AM
OK fish details as follows..photos tonight

Red Melon (female) 3 1/2 " $60
Malboro Red (female) 5" $90
Snow white (female) 4" $40 ( dark marking on one side, hence price)
Greyish (female) 5" $80 laying eggs regularly
Blue diamond (female) 4 1/2 " $75.00
Sailfin spotted pleco 11" (28 cm) $140.00.

large waved shaped wood $25
smaller wood $5.00 ea


Sun Jun 22, 2008, 12:05 AM
OK fish details as follows..photos tonight

Red Melon (female) 3 1/2 " $60
Malboro Red (female) 5" $90
Snow white (female) 4" $40 ( dark marking on one side, hence price)
Greyish (female) 5" $80 laying eggs regularly
Blue diamond (female) 4 1/2 " $75.00
Sailfin spotted pleco 11" (28 cm) $140.00.

Any Pics

Sun Jun 22, 2008, 12:51 AM
Hi all
I was lucky enough to purchase three of Mich's discus. I would have bought more if I had the room. The tank and all that comes with it is stunning and represents fantastic value. The remaining discus are in great condition, very big and healthy. I would happily recommend them to anyone. Always best to see for yourself, but you won't be disappointed.
Thanks Mich.
Erica (-:

Sun Jun 22, 2008, 04:27 AM
Hi Mischa

Was nice to meet you and your partner, thanks for the post, nice of you to say. :D

Hope the babies are doing well !

Sun Jun 22, 2008, 08:48 AM
No worries....I am sitting with the notebook in front of the discus tank admiring your discus as I type. All three are looking fantastic. There is a tiny bit of sunlight illuminating them through the window and their colours are even more beautiful. I wish I could fit in more....or your aquarium. Someone will be very happy to pick up those items.

Good luck
Erica (-:

Tue Jun 24, 2008, 02:04 AM
Hi, can i see some pics of the red melon and marlboro red please.

Mon Jun 30, 2008, 12:47 PM
Hi Mich, how are things going with the sale of your beautiful aquarium and discus? I was wondering if you would sell me your remaining driftwood pieces? And perhaps the rummynose, if you can catch them (-: I still have your number from my previous visit and will give you a call in a day or so, just in case you dont see this message.

Thank you
Erica (-:

Tue Jul 01, 2008, 08:59 AM
ok, had internet and pm issues till last night...apologies to those who pm'd me and didnt get reply, I tried to pm but some stayed in outbox, not sure if they went at all.??
got pics at last :oops:

HI Mischa, sure you can buy the driftwood, give me a call when you think you will be coming over and let me know which pieces you want if you know before hand? and i can fish out of tank for you. As for the rummy nose, let me know how many you want and I will also try to catch before because in the size of tank, not sure i will be able to catch ??

There are also 5 Cardinal tetra, same story as above will price all below. Cheers



Rummy's x7 = 4.00 ea (need notice)
Cardinal x5 = 6.00 ea (need notice)
Sailfin spotted Pleco = $140.00 28cm (need notice)
2 x clown loach = free if i can catch(will need notice)

Discus prices as per previous post.

Cheers, again sorry for the delay, fingers crossed pics work first time ?

Wed Jul 02, 2008, 02:08 AM
Hi Mich
The pictures look fantastic. I am sure these will help with your sale. Could I please have both pieces(all?) of driftwood and as many of the rummynose as you can catch. I would also like the loaches for our school tank if you are able to catch them. I will give you a call tonight to sort a suitable time. Would Saturday or Sunday morning be ok?

Thank you and good luck
Erica (-:

Wed Jul 02, 2008, 08:55 AM
Hey Mischca, no probs, i will fetch wood out before you come over . Is Sunday ok, earlyish as I have home open at 1. Will try to get rummy nose and contain somehow in tank, so they are ready to go too.


Wed Jul 02, 2008, 09:01 AM
Hey again !

Sorry missed the other piece of wood, the one with ears ? will be $10.00 small ones $5 and wavy one 25 as per previous Email.

Also, not sure if anyone here will be interested but all the plastic plants you see in the pic are for sale also, they are already out and washed ready to go.

Will price if any interest otherwise will quokka.

Cheers again.

Wed Jul 02, 2008, 09:05 AM
Hey again !

Sorry missed the other piece of wood, the one with ears ? will be $10.00 small ones $5 and wavy one 25 as per previous Email.

Also, not sure if anyone here will be interested but all the plastic plants you see in the pic are for sale also, they are already out and washed ready to go.

Will price if any interest otherwise will quokka.

Also, 2 ft tank on stand, with light and heater, as new $120.00.

Salt tank, I think was advertised on other thread at $300 the lot will change if wrong going to check now.

Cheers again.

Wed Jul 02, 2008, 01:54 PM
Hi Mich
How does Sunday 10am sound? I would like all three pieces of driftwood, if possible. Good luck catching the rummynose, no dramas if it proves a nightmare for you (-: Will give you a call prior to Sunday to make sure all ok. Thanks again
Erica (-:

Sat Jul 05, 2008, 02:37 PM
Hi all

Just to let you know that the :

6 footer is SOLD

3 ft salt is SOLD

2ft set is SOLD

Have a 2.5 ft tank with twin flouro light only $50

6ft single flouro light only $40

pm if interested
