View Full Version : new fish in tank .. hanging on surface !! !
Mon May 26, 2008, 10:50 PM
I've just move a new fish from quarantine tank to the main tank for about 36 hours now.. he's been hanging amongs the val and near surface all the time. This morning he's on his side :( I scooped him out front and he was swimming/breathing normally ... hope he's still ok when I got home tonite. My question is : is there anything we can put in the water (salt !?!) to help him abit ..when there is no sign of any sickness/ diseases ? thanks in advace !!
Mon May 26, 2008, 11:08 PM
Hi ND,
how is the water circulation? throw in a air stone and see how it goes.
my fish was gasping for air at the surface when the water was not well circulated. adding an airstone solve my problem
Tue May 27, 2008, 12:54 AM
You said you've put him the main tank, is there other discus in the tank?
If there is, and they're ok, it's probably not oxygen that's the problem.
Is there a big difference in water parameters between your quarantine and main tank? Ph? temp? ammonia? Are you currently medicating in your main tank? All these things and others of course can shock your fish.
if the fish is that bad maybe leave him in quarantine for a while.
Tue May 27, 2008, 04:18 AM
Is there a big difference in water parameters between your quarantine and main tank? Ph? temp? ammonia? Are you currently medicating in your main tank? All these things and others of course can shock your fish.
if the fish is that bad maybe leave him in quarantine for a while.
Zar is right. If there's a huge difference between the water parameters of both tanks this is most likey the cause. How long was he in the Q tank for?
Tue May 27, 2008, 06:40 AM
thanks guys. he was in quarantine for 1 week .. a bit short but I couldn't see any thing could develop from their condition. I guess it's the parameter difference as you said, cos the main tank is densely planted with other discus and fish.. whilst the q tank has just been set up with an internal filter transferred from main tank and a bag of bio-balls also from the main tank. Isn't that how we utilise the q tank ? when not in use then I 'll drained it and put it away !? what do you do ?
Tue May 27, 2008, 06:49 AM
oh and I should add that there should be plenty of oxygen in the tank, I'm having a powerhead blowing strong current around hoping to collect any worm/ segments (yes I've just done a levamisole - prazi treatment). Other fish are fine.
Tue May 27, 2008, 07:35 AM
oh and I should add that there should be plenty of oxygen in the tank, I'm having a powerhead blowing strong current around hoping to collect any worm/ segments (yes I've just done a levamisole - prazi treatment). Other fish are fine.
:shock: That doesn't sound good at all. Discus like very little to 0 current especially if your using a powerhead. Mate you need to shut that thing off ASAP especially if your little bloke isn't feeling the best. Your doing him more harm than good.
If your internal filter is well cycled from the com tank than your Q tank should be fine. What water are you putting in the Q tank?
Tue May 27, 2008, 12:52 PM
You've done pretty much everything right, but I think you've missed just one thing.........
The difference in pH between the two tanks.
Your planted tank probably has lovely aged water in there at say, a pH of 6 or 6.5 while your quarantine tank, if you filled it from the tap, probably had a pH of 7.5. I'm guessing the numbers, but you get the idea.
A drop in pH of 1 or 1.5 ia a huge difference. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but believe me, it's huge.
That would be enough to send your new fish into pH shock.
Can you get hold of a pH test kit, and do some testing. If you post the readings, it will give us a better idea of what's going on.
Tue May 27, 2008, 02:45 PM
Hi ..
I used water for both tank from an ageing barrel, pH in main tank is about 6.5, Q tank has 25% water from maintank, the rest is from the ageing barrel. So I wouldn't think pH is very different between the two.
If any I think it's temperature .. Q tank was 28, main tank 30 degree ... have since lower it.
just did a water change ... hope it works
will go and turn the powerhead off now..
I will keep you guys updated.
Tue May 27, 2008, 02:55 PM
I think i would raise the temperature again to 30, add an airstone for now to get more oxygen, and observe
Wed May 28, 2008, 03:04 AM
hi guys .. good news, after water change and powerhead off, this morning he left the surface, now at mid water, straighten up ... looks like he's recovering !! cheers ... thanks for your advices
what 's the best temp for discus btw ?
Wed May 28, 2008, 06:30 AM
Thats great news mate. Sounds like the top area of your tank might have been the only place for him to get some rest and away from the current/flow of the powerhead.
Best temp is proberly between 28-30.
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