View Full Version : Laytex or physical backgrounds (list in 101}

Fri May 23, 2008, 04:20 PM
I have a few queries re laytex /physical backgrounds. I have a 4 foot planted tank (180-200 litre) with 5 discus and a few handfuls of tetras.
When I introduced myself on the forum in Feb this year Matt 15 commented on my laytex background and said he had similar and commended them.

Perhaps I may have stuffed up when I installed it. I used the recommended sticky stuff (non toxic etc) and did the best job I could to secure it to the back wall of the tank but it has never really been all that great and there is space between the back wall and the laytex. I have lost several cardinals etc without trace (ie no bodies). I also wonder that even if I am doing frequent water changes how do you deal with what is happening between the laytex and the rear glass.

Like to have your comments. Especially Matt 15.



Sat May 24, 2008, 07:37 AM
I hear you mate.

I spent two days with my first tank gluing every single gap and tiny hole I could fine to ensure there were no leaks to the rear.
When i first filled the tank the rear was clean and clear of any water. The next day however I noticed the water level in the tank had dropped an inch or two and found the entire back area full of water.
Its inevitable mate that somewhere.... somehow water will find its way. These laytex backgrounds have lots of tiny holes everywhere so the chance of water getting back there is pretty high.

My second tank i actually didn't glue the bottom at all. This enabled me during water changes to syphon the rear water out with a hose.
It's not 100% fool proof but it worked for the 3-4 months I had that tank running. (before upgrading to a 5fter)

Your comment thou about missing cardinals might have a different answer. I've tried cardinals a few times and found out in the end that my discus were infact eating them. There were no traces of body parts left in the tank at all.

Hope this helps Paddy :wink:

Sat May 24, 2008, 02:41 PM
Thanks Matt. I did not suspect the discus eating the cardinals I was blaming my 2 clown loach may have had something to do with it.

As far as the laytex is concerned, it looks good but I would have second thoughts if I was setting up again'

I am thinking seriously about setting up a breeding tank. I have my eye on a 150 litre which would fit the space available. I am not sure of the measurements but it is over 15inch deep so would do the purpose. I was looking at setting it up with bare bottom and just a simple sponge filter. I would anticipate getting half a dozen 50 cent discus.

Would appreciate any advice.



Sun May 25, 2008, 06:19 AM
I'm still a huge fan of these backings but will strongly urge people trying this to spend as much time as posible covering all the holes to ensure its waterproof

One suggestion I can make regarding your breeding setup is to stray or paint the bottom of the tank. This will help the discus from looking at there own reflection on the bottom.