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View Full Version : Floating alge

Thu May 15, 2008, 03:20 AM
Hi, It seems that there is a film of alge perhaps on the water surface. It has a green tinge to it. I siphened it off but it seemed to be back within a week.
What would it be and how can i stop it?

Paremeters are

GH:6 degrees
KH:3 degrees
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 0 ppm
PH: 7
Ammonia: 0 ppm

I run co2 at about 2 bps.

I dont seem to have mush other alge in the tank other then a small amount of black hair on some of the wisteria.

Cheers :?

Sun Jun 29, 2008, 02:36 AM
I came on to the forum today planning to post the exact same problem. Given the date of this post, it looks like no one has found a solution. Mine varies from a brown to a greenish brown.

I have tried a couple of things: increased CO2 slightly; added iron to the tank (as my iron was reading zero), but it hasn't stopped it. Liquid ferts (seachem flourish) just cause an Algae bloom in my tank, so I only fertilise with tablets.

I believe that my plants are sucking back nutrients faster than fast, now that I've upgraded my lighting to HO T5's. I just need to work out how to get the balance right again so the plants can outcompete the algae. But so far I haven't any luck. Last night, I added some Dupla Root K to my gravel, as I set up the tank 3 years ago using Root G, and I've been told that Root G looses its potency over time.

I'll keep you posted and see if this helped. Meanwhile, has ANYONE had this problem and found a practical solution to it? Thanks.

Sun Jun 29, 2008, 06:18 AM
up your co2 and stop adding liquid ferts

Sun Jun 29, 2008, 10:34 PM
So no ferts at all?
I tried increasing my surface agitation with a 5000l/h hydor but it just pushes it down one end of the tank.
Not sure if 5000l/h in a 6x2x2 is too much. It does stir up the crap on the bottom a fair bit. Ive set it on a timer to come on for 5 mins 4 times a day.
is this a good thing to do??