View Full Version : Sinking Pellets of Flake Food..

Wed May 14, 2008, 05:46 PM
My fishes love to gobble up frozen bloodworm and brine-shrimp, but I am trying to get them something drier just as an additional option.. something which is readily available in LFS's, off the shelf.. seems that I have 2 options available only..

1. SERA or TETRA slow sinking pellets for Discus
2. TETRA Prime Flake food for Discus and all middle level feeding fish
Whats my choice.. what's your experience (if youve used any of these) about these brands and feed's ? :roll:

Thu May 15, 2008, 04:04 AM
my discus like pellets that sink a little better but will take flakes also so they'llpretty much get used to anything

Sun May 18, 2008, 05:52 AM
You'll find most discus will resist any new food offered to them.

The trick is to offer just a small amount in the morning, when they are the hungriest. You'll probably find one or two may pick at the new food, and the rest will ignore it.

In the evening, remove the uneaten food, and offer them their normal food. Next morning, offer the new food again and only offer their usual food at the evening meal.

With nothing else on offer during the day, after a few days they usually begin to pick at the new food more and more. Because you are only offering a very small amount, they will eventually rush to the food to avoid missing out.

When they're all eagerly eating the new food, you can increase the amount.

Job done :P