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View Full Version : Sick Discus

Tue May 13, 2008, 06:23 AM
Greetings guys ,i have a sick fish

have isolated him from the main tank -- he has been looking a little off for the past few days - but i only just noticed his fins are badly damaged today and he is just kind of leaning against the tank edge or filter suction tube -

he has come out of a tank with about 10 other discus ( 700 liter tank) - I have done a 1/2 tank water change and have the UV light sterilizer running for the next 24 hours ( about 1000 Liters per hour passes through the double globe filter )

I have come to accept that this fish may be dead fish swimming - but if you guys could enlighten me as to what he has - and any prevention measures i could take for the others in the main tank would be great

Pic of the fish is as follows


Tue May 13, 2008, 11:01 AM
This is a very sad fish, and I would euthenase him. Looks like it has not eaten for some time, not just by judging the stomach, but the sunken forhead area. The fins are all split and it looks like it wants a way out. Do the right thing my friend.
Use Clove oil for a painless way to end the suffering. pm me for details on how to use it.

Hollowman :cry:

Wed May 14, 2008, 06:03 AM
the fin damage although looking dramatic is superficial and has the potential to heal relatively quickly when seen as a solitary issue

the fish is emaciated , so the questions really is why
is he eating?

eating and losing weigt may suggest simple internal parasitism(worms/protozoa being the common discus issue's) poor digestion with metabolic failures, tumour growth utilising energy ahead of fish

obviously the latter issue's are harder to treat so most therapy is aimed at the former suggestions

if he isnt eating then even if the problem is parasitism it is often progressed further than recoverable

salt in water will help with fin damage
as will goo d clean water and appropriate nutrition


Thu May 15, 2008, 09:15 PM
Update ***

The fish died a few hours after i posted the message.

My fish get fed a MINIMUM of 3 times a day - and sometimes more when they all sit down one end of the tank and just stare at me ( my chair is at one of the tank) they have kind of trained me in this aspect - all food they consume is normally gone within 3 minutes

Up till a few days ago - the large yellow fish was eating as i do monitor who are the pigs in the tank and who is shy ....

now presuming it may be a worm prob - how do i prevent the others for suffering the same fate >? have almost 10 FULL size discus in this tank

along with some cichlids ( yes i know there not suposed to mix - but both discus and cichlids have bred in this tank many times over the past 1 year )



Thu May 15, 2008, 11:12 PM
Boc thats a great looking tank you've got there mate.

As for worming your discus, you'll proberly need to seperate them from the other cichlids putting them into a bare bottom Q tank. Then treat them with Prazi and Levamisole as per directions found in the threads here:

GL mate

Fri May 16, 2008, 07:51 AM
Thanks Matt , i have 2 other tanks 3 and 4 foot

the 3 foot is my Hospital tank ( aqua vital )

will do worming this week ---


Fri May 16, 2008, 08:35 AM
I agree with Matt for the treatment. Also agree, lovely tank. :)