View Full Version : White Eggs
Wed May 07, 2008, 05:59 AM
Hi All
I am having a problem with my pair of discus thay are breeding once a week but the eggs are going white the male has breed before with another female can some one help?
I add to the water Aqutan water conditioner, Conditioning Salt, Carbonate hardness Powder, Trace Elements and Cycle.
PH 6.6 GH 5 KH 2 Temp 29.
Wed May 07, 2008, 06:50 AM
If ALL the eggs are going white I would double check your male is infact a male.
Eggs usually go white when
a.) They haven't been fertilized
b.) After 24-48 hrs they've gone bad and will nolonger hatch. The white is like a fungus and can often spread to other eggs. But your discus will proberly eat them before this happens.
Wed May 07, 2008, 06:51 AM
I too have that problem. 2 discus of mine have recently paired off. They spawned for their second time on Sunday morning. I put a clear plastic slide over the eggs after the spawn as i didnt have mesh at that time. Over 95% of eggs were orange. 24 hours later a whopping 50% of the eggs have somehow turned white. Another 24 hours later and 100% have turned white.
I got a feeling that its got something to do with the plastic i put around the eggs as water parameters were fine.. can anyone confirm this?
Wed May 07, 2008, 07:05 AM
Yeh I don't think the plastic was a good idea mate. You need to use some sort of cage/netting. If you watch closely you'll notice your discus using there fins to push water over the eggs to help keep them cool. I'm not entirely sure how this helps but it does.
Wed May 07, 2008, 07:37 AM
Hi All
can some one help?
I add to the water Aqutan water conditioner, Conditioning Salt, Carbonate hardness Powder, Trace Elements and Cycle.
PH 6.6 GH 5 KH 2 Temp 29.
WOW, you add so much to the water....why?
As Matt said, are you sure that the 'male' is a male? what real proof have you got? Sometimes you do get a pair of females together.
Water quality is the other issue. What environment are they in? planted? BB?
How do you water change? how often? how much?
As for Albatrozz,
Yes the plastic was a bad move, the eggs need a flow of water over them, fanned by the parents. This keeps dirt off them and ensures a supply of oxygen to the eggs. The white ones are either unfertilised or fungussed over as has been said, again, it comes down to needing top water quality. Tip, daily water changes, wipe down tank sides twice a week. Vacuum out uneaten food 1 hour after feeding (before water change).
Wed May 07, 2008, 07:57 AM
Yes the male has breed before, have got frys.
It's female took sick and he paired of again.
She is laying the eggs and he is fertilizing them.
Whay should l be adding to the water?
Wed May 07, 2008, 08:01 AM
Yes the male has breed before, have got frys.
It's female took sick and he paired of again.
She is laying the eggs and he is fertilizing them.
What should l be adding to the water?
Wed May 07, 2008, 08:54 AM
What is your water like before adding all that you do?
Wed May 07, 2008, 09:01 AM
Water is PH 7.4 GH 3 KH 1
Wed May 07, 2008, 09:22 AM
Just add a dechlorinator, I dont see the need for anything else. :wink:
Wed May 07, 2008, 09:52 AM
Thanks Hollowman, that will saver me a lot of money.
Will give it a go. :)
Wed May 07, 2008, 10:11 AM
Let us know how it goes please.
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