View Full Version : Some Discus questions..
Mon May 05, 2008, 09:04 AM
Are some strains of Discus tougher and better than the others ? Someone was telling me that Snakeskin ones are the best of the lot.. true ?
Also, is it ok to have Clown Loaches with Discus in the same tank ?
Please advice.. Thanks.
Mon May 05, 2008, 10:09 PM
Clown loaches are ok but they can freak the discus out if they are in numbers or large in size. When feeding like this, they can be quite flighty and that can startle Discus. I have 1 in my tank that is small (6-7cms) and he doesnt bother them at all. Infact he is right at home with them. They are scaleless though so can be effected if treating the tank with some meds.
Tue May 06, 2008, 12:17 AM
Are some strains of Discus tougher and better than the others ? Someone was telling me that Snakeskin ones are the best of the lot.. true ?
I think you'll find the toughness of a discus fish is dependant on its health and previous keeping environments.
The conception that some strains are easier to keep than others is neither correct and incorrect. I think this is said about blue diamonds, turqs and snakeskins because there such common strains and often the cheaper to buy. Hence they are often keep in poorer conditions or by those who don't wish to put in the effort to keeping and maintaining an optimum environment.
If buying discus I would highly recommend you read this thread.
When choosing a strain, pick one which best suits your budget and most importantly.... looks awesome.
Tue May 06, 2008, 06:28 AM
Clown loaches are ok but they can freak the discus out if they are in numbers or large in size. When feeding like this, they can be quite flighty and that can startle Discus. I have 1 in my tank that is small (6-7cms) and he doesnt bother them at all. Infact he is right at home with them. They are scaleless though so can be effected if treating the tank with some meds.
Thanks, I am just worried that the loaches don't pick on the discus.. I had a pair of Siamese Algae Eaters, and they were constantly nagging the Discus, so I removed them from the tank.. I hope loaches would show better character here.. :wink:
Tue May 06, 2008, 10:26 PM
Clown loaches wont lach onto the discus like the algea eaters sometimes can. How big are the clown loaches? They can get about 14inchs i think. You have 3 right? At feeding time, they will zoom around the food and be 'flighty'. That can startle the discus. Clown loaches are not like this when they are in limited numbers. I have 1, and he is really calm.
Just watch how they go. If the discus dont like them, solve the issue in the Discus's favour :D
Let me know how you go!
Wed May 07, 2008, 04:37 AM
I solved the issue in Discus's favour :-)
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