Mon May 05, 2008, 04:05 AM
Hi Folks
Ive been out of apistos actively for a while but I still have a lovely adult male A. baenschi in my tank. He is almost 2 years old, and Im undecided whether or not to try and find him a female - Im sure he would love a teenage wife ;) or to retire him out to pasture and concentrate on breeding something else.
Also went to an LFS recently and the only interesting thing they has was a Female Veijita gold - nice colours.. not interested in buying a lone female unless I can source a male for her. Anyone know of the availability of these around Sydney
Ive been out of apistos actively for a while but I still have a lovely adult male A. baenschi in my tank. He is almost 2 years old, and Im undecided whether or not to try and find him a female - Im sure he would love a teenage wife ;) or to retire him out to pasture and concentrate on breeding something else.
Also went to an LFS recently and the only interesting thing they has was a Female Veijita gold - nice colours.. not interested in buying a lone female unless I can source a male for her. Anyone know of the availability of these around Sydney