View Full Version : Real eye opener

Thu May 01, 2008, 10:09 PM
Hi guys as it happens you start with one tank then two then twenty ,I think I have gone to far.In july we hope to take over a fish import and wholesale buissness,I have been working there a few days a week just to get the feel of the place .on tues we got a load of fish in i could not wait things were going well I opened a box . There in front of me 500 brightly coloured fighters all in there own little bags , the penny dropped how do those little fish get into the 500 cups we had ready for them . Each one had to be opened fish put in cup bag throwen away ,after about 200 the novelty wore off.Anyway all fighters made there cups I was then told that we normaly get 1500 fighters and this was a small order .So what a challenge anyway we are off overseas for two weeks then i will got into it full time .

Fri May 02, 2008, 06:07 AM
you can get them in drugged if you don't want individual packaging.

Fri May 02, 2008, 11:34 AM
Wow Cliff. You really have got the fish bug, haven't you :lol:

Sounds like you're in for a very exciting time.

Don't forget to post some pics of the fish farms you visit.

Good luck with your new venture.