View Full Version : what to do
Thu May 01, 2008, 10:12 AM
have posted lately but now urgent.....
got rid of bg alae with an anti boitic from lfs.....discus ok
treated possible flukes with para-cide from lfs......
pride and joy discus..had for over two years got bad quick..
not eaten in week....topfin becoming white...
has not moved from hiding hole for a week...discolouration
one spot above eye cleared up thought things were going ok...
did massive water change as directed after anti biotic course..
tummy bloated and white
large spots still a bit round mouth....
dont want to lose him...
water tests are fine...canister clean....
other discus is also not so interested in food but goes for it once settled...
they have always eaten from the bottom rather than the top...
im kinda not into the chem thing every time i try it something goes wrong!!
Thu May 01, 2008, 10:37 AM
ok, sorry to hear you have problems,
What exactly are your water parameters? can you post them please, also temp? planted or BB, water change regime? have you added any new fish without QT?
Lots of questions, but it will help diagnose
Fri May 02, 2008, 03:40 AM
planted tank - all this kinda started with the blue green algea bloom.
ph 6.5 - nit -0 am -0 temp round 28.5 (unless test kit is stuffed)
yes there was water quality issues, that started this whole thing, but maybe it was too late.
the fluke flikering was not too bad when started the anti -biotics, but the spots came after treatment started.
(this has happened before - once i start treatments the condition excelerates)
am collecting items from friends to start a hospital tank, but worried that trying to catch him might freak him out.
(lost a discus once trying to catch loaches)
Lfs said it was fine to dose community tank, other disc fine.
i want to remove some cripts and water change water change water change, but he is taking refuge under them
maybe i should not have stuffed aroung with the chem and just WC.
bit lost and not confident with the sick issues, the only other sickness i have i experienced was hole in the head and VET advice didnt help that either.
now the spots have arrived, should i be using the natural fungal stuff the Vet recommended
Lost and confused!
Fri May 02, 2008, 05:51 AM
Thats bad luck, the antibiotics proably disrupted the normal flora in the gut of the fish, once this happens is difficult for the fish to digest food propperly and then other infections can set in. if you have a bb hosp tank, get him in there, set the temp at 30C and add PLENTY of airation.
try an epson salt bath to get him to empty the contents of his stomach, it will help bring the bloating down.
try to temp him with live food, add salt at 2tsp/40L.
you could try some natural antifungul stuff (I assume its tea tree oil based) but I've never had much luck with it.
if you can get him eating again he'll proably pull through, if he is still nice and full in the face, the fat reserves there can keep him going for a week or so without food, after that your chances of saving him arn't anyware near as good.
Fri May 02, 2008, 06:02 AM
so high temp takes care of nasties
epsom salts clear belly
and yea he still is full (he was quite fat before)
the tank should be around the 40lite mark??
Fri May 02, 2008, 07:16 AM
Sun May 04, 2008, 04:45 AM
went to lfs shop to get parts for the hospital tank.....showed them this photo and now they are suggesting condis crytals AKA potassium hypermananate....
sounds boody scarey to me - burning the fish skin - that sounds great...
i am not so conident with this idea.....
Sun May 04, 2008, 04:48 AM
the white spots are like pimples....lfs say not white spot......
so confused......think i might have to wait for forum replies before i start frying my fish in solution that burns....
thanks in advance
Sun May 04, 2008, 06:49 AM
pp works wonders for surface ailments and flukes, you can use it safely at 5-10mg/L for a 10 min bath.
you'll have to recuild the fish slimecoat after with salt (1tsp/40L)
Sun May 04, 2008, 09:36 AM
normal salt?
and how long do you bath it then?
thanks again...
Thu May 08, 2008, 11:04 AM
Are the spots still there gro?
It looks like some kind of parasite under the skin, in which case a PP bath will do the trick as ILLUSN suggested.
After the bath, return him to a clean tank with one teaspoon of cooking salt per 40 litres of water to help rebuild the slime coating.
Thu May 08, 2008, 12:16 PM
Here is a link to wherethe exact same thing has been discussed at length.
Hollowman :)
Sun May 11, 2008, 04:24 AM
well there are many ways to do the PP obviously...
good news is i saw some comforting i held off the pp for a day or two..and each day things got a bit perfect yet, have not seen him/her eat yet but the spots have reduced..still quite fat so hopefully will start eating soon....
as for catching him i dont think i have a has developed skittish behaviour and rapidly swims away even when i go near the i feel the PP dip will do more harm..?? altough thats just a "feeling" i have.
he/she has had 3 see thru poos lately so thinking a general epsom dose accros the tank might be in order, someone said you can dose a comunity tank rather than a seprate hospital tank? but forgot the doseage.
Sun May 11, 2008, 09:51 AM
forgot to mention,
reluctant on the PP bath as the fish had a bloated eye, it looks like a bit of an air bubble...
at the same time the spots have cleared dramatically to only a few!!
Tue May 13, 2008, 11:24 AM
no more spots
but a very cloudy eye....i dont think he can see...?????
Tue May 13, 2008, 12:26 PM
Just keep up with lots of good water, the eye should clear.
Tue May 13, 2008, 11:28 PM
poor guy's eye its is bloated but normal eyes are quite rounded so maybe it just stands out more because and very cloudy.....but all other sypmtoms are gone....
is there a reason for it or it is just another bacterial thing in the eye gell stuff?
hope he starts eating again soon......
the funny thing is that all the fish are quite skitish at moment....
Tue May 13, 2008, 11:39 PM
hows the water quality?
Fri May 30, 2008, 07:44 AM
lost him....very sad....
i guess playing with the anti-bac threw things a bit scew wif!
fish are a bit lonely without him...thanks for all you thing i have learnt is that just like the simple things in life are often the best....maybe the simple remedies are often the best......
meaning - water changes.............
Fri May 30, 2008, 09:27 AM thing i have learnt is that just like the simple things in life are often the best....maybe the simple remedies are often the best......
meaning - water changes.............
Often one of the best meds we can use. Sorry to hear you lost him. :cry:
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