View Full Version : A thank you.
Wed Apr 30, 2008, 09:48 PM
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has tried to help me with my sick fish over the last couple of weeks. Its been a long struggle but after things looked like they were finally back to normal. I woke up today and all my small fish died and my 8 discus became extremely ill. Their fins seem to have become burnt/rotting and they have black spots on them as well as wierd sores on their body. Also their eyes have that fungus/bacterial infection on them and they are truly scary to be seen. Whatever is in my tank has won and theres nothing more to be done. I've actually put some metro in today that I had on hand but if in the next couple of hours theres not a little bit of improvement (which there wont be because its probably to late) I will do the right thing and get some clove oil and move on from this failed experiment. Thanks to everyone again who tried to help me and stuff, but its time to just get some hardy fish and thats that. I'll probably drain it and get some bleach or something to wipe everything out. So this is also a farewell to everyone as well as I won't have anymore annoying questions on discus.
Have a good one guys.
Thu May 01, 2008, 04:04 AM
Sorry to hear that mate, have a break from it for a while and then re evaluate what you want to do, these fish can and do break your heart, if you stick with them they become life long friends that keep going well after a decade.
Thu May 01, 2008, 04:57 AM
I am so sorry to hear your bad news, dandaman. I wish you the very best.
Thu May 01, 2008, 06:00 AM
That's a real shame. Good luck with your future fishkeeping.
Thu May 01, 2008, 07:53 AM
So sorry to hear that Dan, but please dont give up. :( Discus are not that difficult to keep, it's just recognising a problem before it becomes one. Please PM me before you make a final decision. Discus are such rewarding fish, hardy too, maybe you just had some poor fish to begin with. It happens sometimes.
Make sure you bleach or PP everything, start again with a clean slate, even your filter media, tubing, nets, the lot!
Make sure you PM me Dan.
Thu May 01, 2008, 10:14 AM
Sorry about your losses Dan, I know it can be a real heart breaker to see your pride and joy dead!. Discus require so much attention and care its unbeleivable. But it is so rewarding. I hope things start getting better.
Thu May 01, 2008, 02:49 PM
Shame to hear of your sad story Dan. I've given up twice on keeping fish in general and funny enough my third re-start to the hobby was keeping discus which has been most rewarding.
Keep your chin up and give it some time mate.... the discus spark will return :D
Fri May 02, 2008, 11:19 AM
I'm really sorry to hear that Dan. I think you just had some bad luck along the way, because you certainly tried hard.
Take a break for a little while if you feel you need it. We'll be here when you're ready to tackle discus again.
And do send a PM to Hollowman. He's a very experienced discus keeper, and I know he would genuinely like to help you.
Mon May 05, 2008, 01:41 AM
Im so sorry Dan. I whole heartedly agree with what everyone has said. We will be here ready for your return. :D
Good luck mate.
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