View Full Version : treatment ineffective

Wed Apr 23, 2008, 08:04 AM
g'day all - some advice please. I have given some of my fish treatment for long, jelly like faeces. Wasn't sure what, so gave them a dose of metro, 4 lots at higher than recpmmended dose 2days apart with 30% water changes, then 2 of prazi. They weren't eating before or during treatment, and still arent, and today i noticed one of the wilds still had a long, jelly like faeces about 1mm thick and about 2 inches long.Haven't seen anything at all from the others i treated.Do i again repeat the treatment, and would it be at a higher dose again, or is there something else i can try.I was contemplating trying tetracycline, just to see if something different might work Any ideas? water parameters are all fine, with the exception of ph which is steady at around 7. Unfortunately , no matter what i have tried, ph always climbs and stays to atound that level, although the fish seem to cope with it fine.

Thu Apr 24, 2008, 12:34 AM
if you've done metro and prazi with no result try levimenisole and see how that goes, also try an epson salt bath after the levimenisole and see what comes out, if you can get the fish to pass something you can thake that to a vet and have them have a look with a microscope for you to id the organisum.

i wouldn't bother repeating the metro, just the prazi for the follow up dose and then start the levimenisole.