View Full Version : Peat Moss as a Substrate is it possible
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 11:23 PM
just want to no if you can use peat moss as a substrate with sand over the top, what are the pro's and cons of doing this?? Is it possible and worth doing, I am re doing my tank that leaked and are looking for a cheaper option than eco complete. My tank is 450ltr in size.?? what other options are there for a good substrate that is cheaper in price??
Cheers Axl
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 11:30 PM
it is possible and it works VERY well, the biggest problem is the gravel Vac, it stirs up the layers and you get al kinds of crud on the surface of the sand and in the water column, I've used it in my rainbow tank wich gets a VERY light graval vac once a week.
I wouldn't use it in a discus tank, too hard to keep clean.
for a 450L use 1/3 plant substrate 2/3 1-3mm gravel to keep your cost down and just suppliment with substrate ferts every month or 2 (if you DIY you can save yourself a fortune).
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 11:31 PM
thanks for the info, what is the next best option that is fairly cheap to do??
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 11:36 PM
What about 2 to 3 inches of normal garden dirt, that should be fairly high in nutrients with a layer of river sand over the top.
Mon Apr 21, 2008, 11:46 PM
if you can get RED dirt it will be better, brown dirt has alot of humus in it which rots releasing sulpher dioxide, which can wipe out your tank, again you have the same problem with the gravel vac, i've tried peat, soil and vermiculite in a high maintanace tank and I've given up on all 3, hjust way too hard with discus.
Tue Apr 22, 2008, 01:02 AM
I followed the dupla method which wasn't too pricey and I have had great plant growth.
1 use fine gravel (1-3 mm)
You need to mix 20% of you substrate with laterite for the base layer lay that first, then lay the rest of the gravel over the top.
I added root tabs for the root feeders - swords, lotus, crypts etc.
I think it cost about $ 80-100 all up. so not too bad...
I also added undergravel heating, but I've turned it off at the moment as it overheated the tank in summer. So I wouldn't bother with that if I were you
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