View Full Version : Big Dramas Tnite leaking tank

Fri Apr 18, 2008, 10:31 AM
got home tnite from work to find water on the floor, panic mode hit and i have a leak in my 5ft planted discus tank. Lucky i have a 6ft tank all ready to which was meant to be for new discus that i was gonig to buy in Melbourne this weekend. Got a few questions as you could imagine. i have taken all the fish out and put them into the other tank and have stripped the tank down, all i have to do is take the sand out, sh*** im pissed off. Questions

1. Once i find the leak whats the chances of it happening again after i reseal it up again?? Hard answer i no what experience has people had with fixing leaks. ??

2. do i just leave the cannisters with water in them??, what will happen to my good biology, will it die???

3. How long should i leave the tank outside for, to test it for leaks again??.

What dramas this is the worst nightmare ever, this is what you dont want to happen when your in this hobby. Any help would be apprecieted. Cheers Axl

Fri Apr 18, 2008, 12:06 PM

Sorry to hear of your leak, what a bummer!!

You can get a silicone sealer to fix the leak, just make sure that everything is perfectly dry and clean before applying it. Back in use when fixed.

As for your filters, you might get some die off,(if left too long) Can you get a dustbin, and just circulate water around there (heated of course) from your cannisters. As long as you have circulated water running through them, your bacteria will survive, when there is no flow, it will turn anerobic and die.



Fri Apr 18, 2008, 02:41 PM
I had a leak before. The leak wasn't very big it was on the side dripping about a drop of tank water every 3 seconds. Went to the cabinet, got the aquarium safe silicone and sealed the outside bit where it was leaking. Surprisingly the leaking stopped(maybe because it was really slow) and the silicone has dried up and haven't had a leak since.

I guess you don't have to leave the tank outside. All your tank needs is a little bit of silicone to cover up the leak, leave it to dry and then fill it up again being very cautious for any other leaks.