View Full Version : Blue Rams Bred
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 04:30 AM
Hi all,
I purchased two little blue rams about two weeks ago for one of my tanks as display fish. Went to sea last week (Navy boy here) came home today and noticed i have approx thirty babies in which i am stoked. Is there any special treatment or food i should feed this fry.
Cheers Simon
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 04:38 AM
congrate. try adding just java moss for a start. they will just pick on it. then you can add any discus fry food, BBS or just add grinded -powder form flake food.
also, seperate them.
that's what i will do.
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 04:40 AM
Congrats mate, thats great news. I know nothing about rams but would certainly love to see some pics if you get the chance..... :wink:
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 08:23 AM
Congratulation Simon.
Can you describe the condition of the fry - are they free swimmers or still wigglers?
If they're already free swimmers, it's time to start feeding them. But ram fry on their first week are very small and most fry food are too big for them (including live BBS).
You need to watch out for contamination from uneaten food. So feed regular but not too heavily.
For the fry's own safety, I would separate them from their parent (unless you want to find out if the pair are good folks). Mine has never keep their fry for longer than a week (they'll eat them up slowly after hatching).
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 08:49 AM
They are Free Swimmers and Mum and Dad seem to be good parents to date as they lead them around the tank to feed and if some of them gets lost mum or dad goes fetches them. If they do eat the batch i will transfer the pair to another tank for breeding purposes
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 02:49 PM
My limited experience with them confirms they've got a bad reputation as parent (the same pair had more than 7 attempts, all but one have surviving fry - and that time I snatch the fry out when I noticed their number was on a quick decline within the hour (yes, you need to keep watching, it's only a matter of hour and the fry are gone).
Fri Apr 18, 2008, 09:22 PM
As a update i woke up this morning to see that some fry are still remaining unsure if it was the parents or other fish (community tank) at this stage i will leave them in this tank and let them have a couple of goes of breeding then i will set up a purpose built breeding tank
Cheers Simon
Fri May 02, 2008, 04:44 AM
As a update i woke up this morning to see that some fry are still remaining unsure if it was the parents or other fish (community tank) at this stage i will leave them in this tank and let them have a couple of goes of breeding then i will set up a purpose built breeding tank
Cheers Simon
Hey Simon, I'm a late reader to your post.
Congratulations on the Ram spawn.
Unfortunately in my experience, when fish breed in a community enviroment where there are other fish sharing the same waters the fry become expensive fish food for the other community fish, you see what happens is the fry get curious & want to explore & even though you have good Ram parents the mum will not be able to keep an eye on them all especially at night when she cannot see her brood, the other fish know this & will be in wait for the next snack.
I think it is good you now have a breeding pair of Blue Rams that will spawn readily for you but if you want to raise some fry I suggest when you can to put them in their own tank.
Good luck & keep watching them it's great fun watching them court each other & prepare the spawn site or dig a pit in the gravel.
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