Sun Apr 13, 2008, 04:29 AM
Hi everyone
Been told to post in the emergency section so here it goes.. a few weeks ago I was having problems with my ph plummeting which caused one of my discus to break out in white spots/blotches. I have stabilised the ph for a few weeks now with Merrilyns advice of putting shell grit in the filter. Now it seems the same discus maybe suffering from finrot. Over the last few days his dorsal fin has turned jagged and has a melted look about it and he is not eating properly. He is sitting at the front of the tank as he usually does, but soon as we approach the tank he tends to hide behind the driftwood. He is eating very little, he will eat live brineshrimp & bloodworm but everthing else he shows no interest at all. I am on my fourth day of protozin treatment and its hard to tell whether there really is any improvement in his fins. I have also added 1tsp rock salt per 40 litres as of yesterday. Only one of the other discus has white spots/blotches on his fins and tail but is fine in every other way.
I am concerned for this discus as he is the runt of the bunch and he is just not his normal self. I am meticulous with cleaning.. 40% water change every third day, cleaning of the filters and they get a very wide variety of food.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Ph 6.8
Temp 30
No white stools, everyone is bright and alert other than this pore little bugger with the bad fins.
Any suggestions or ideas as to what should be my next step? :roll:
Been told to post in the emergency section so here it goes.. a few weeks ago I was having problems with my ph plummeting which caused one of my discus to break out in white spots/blotches. I have stabilised the ph for a few weeks now with Merrilyns advice of putting shell grit in the filter. Now it seems the same discus maybe suffering from finrot. Over the last few days his dorsal fin has turned jagged and has a melted look about it and he is not eating properly. He is sitting at the front of the tank as he usually does, but soon as we approach the tank he tends to hide behind the driftwood. He is eating very little, he will eat live brineshrimp & bloodworm but everthing else he shows no interest at all. I am on my fourth day of protozin treatment and its hard to tell whether there really is any improvement in his fins. I have also added 1tsp rock salt per 40 litres as of yesterday. Only one of the other discus has white spots/blotches on his fins and tail but is fine in every other way.
I am concerned for this discus as he is the runt of the bunch and he is just not his normal self. I am meticulous with cleaning.. 40% water change every third day, cleaning of the filters and they get a very wide variety of food.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Ph 6.8
Temp 30
No white stools, everyone is bright and alert other than this pore little bugger with the bad fins.
Any suggestions or ideas as to what should be my next step? :roll: