View Full Version : Territorial Discus (pic of this rebel attach)

Sun Apr 06, 2008, 11:49 AM
Well I got this one about 3-4 months ago, as soon as it got into 1 of the 4ft tank it basically turned it self into RAMBO like character (territorial).

It wont allow 3 other larger discus to go anywhere near the food. (food hog by the look it)

I have tried several ways to keep it from being too aggressive, but no luck.

If you have any ideas, please let me know or else I'm going to have to sell it.


Sun Apr 06, 2008, 11:59 AM

Looks like it is in a planted tank, so you could remove him and rearrange the tank a little to give a different environment, new start so to speak. As for feeding, make sure you feed in different places in the tank, he cant cover all positions you feed, and so the others will get their food too. Remember that Discus are cichlids, and are/can be quite bullish.

If all else fails, give him a good talking too!!


Sun Apr 06, 2008, 12:15 PM
Hollowman, thanks for your reply.

I tried to re-scape the tank about 5 times or more, it did no good.

And I also tried feeding different section of the tank, but it still manage to chase other discus away.

This fish will keep it's eyes on all 3 other discus making sure no one gets the food while its feeding it self.

I'll see what everyone else have to say about this RAMBO character, before I'll give it a very good talk to.


Sun Apr 06, 2008, 12:43 PM
Ok, so he/she sounds like the dominant fish. If you only have 4 fish total, this sounds like a small group. They will do better in bigger groups, can I suggest adding at least 2 more fish. This might either overthrow this dominant one, or at least spread the arse kicking around a bit.
The pic shows Rambo, and by the look of it he is about 3" SL, how big are the others? How old is he? how old are your other fish?
If Rambo is older, I must add that he is stunted, it might just be territorial. So add a couple more, after Qt of course and see what happens.


Thu Apr 10, 2008, 11:04 PM
He may be bad temperd, But he is a lovely looking fish :)

Fri Apr 11, 2008, 09:59 AM
My discus all bully eachother, Welcome to the cichlid world lol. I actually will sit here and schold them for bullying eachother lol its all part of nature im sure


Fri Apr 11, 2008, 10:28 AM
There's nothing like a good team talk :D


Sun Apr 13, 2008, 02:55 AM
add more discus!!

if willing get a few big ones !!

Mon Apr 14, 2008, 02:44 AM
dude I have the exact same looking fish and I had to remove him cause he was Rambo-ing as i called it. he even took on discus that we double his size!

could not stop him. i just put him with one other in another tank and they are fine, he dominates and the other just deals with it.

deff. part of nature

Mon Apr 14, 2008, 03:24 AM
dude I have the exact same looking fish and I had to remove him cause he was Rambo-ing as i called it. he even took on discus that we double his size!

could not stop him. i just put him with one other in another tank and they are fine, he dominates and the other just deals with it.

deff. part of nature

hahahahaha I know, it will take on any size discus.
All sorted now, I'm putting it aside solo for a couple months see how it go.

Wed May 07, 2008, 11:22 AM
same here- similar looking fella- bullying others specially feeding time, grows so fast because it takes most of the food. im thinking of seperating it again - yup i had removed it once, (it was quite a task catching it in a 125 gal tank). i wonder if its the nature of its strain- my other discuses are peaceful.